Chapter 18- .R.I.P.

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Dalliyann's POV

When we got home from Alaysha's place , i pay the babysitter . Then both me and quashawn head upstairs for bed.

" what was that " Quahshawn asks as i start to undress

" what was what ?" I ask looking at him in confsuion

" back at Alaysha's place .... " he says sitting on the bed , looking at me undress and dress into my sweats

" nothing . Just thought he was disrespecting her -"

" Alaysha got her own fucking mouth " he says with an attitude

I turn around and face him " woah .. Woah ... Woah ! Are you cursing at me ?!" I ask annoyed

" yes the fuck i am , why you stay sticking up for Alaysha ?! And why don't you ever listen to me ?" He yells standing up in my face

" Alaysha is a good friend and you do run me fool " i push back a little bit " sit the fuck down!"

Quashawn stands back up and hits me across my face and pushes me into the dresser . I throw one of the glasses that sat on the dresser at him and it cuts some of his face . I try to run out the room but he grabs me by my wrist and beats me up bad with a lamp post but i grab the gun that we hide under our bed and dear him to hit me again then i call the police but before i knew it Quashawn ran out the house with my baby !

When the police arrive to my house i tell them he took off with my daughter and they drive me to the police station .

When i got to the police station i call Alaysha and Jazmine.

Alaysha's POV

I get a call late at night from Dalliyann that Quashawn ran off with Zanee !! So i get Jazmine to drive me to the police station to see Dalliyann.

Once we spot her us three hug and start to cry .

" where is he ?!" Jazmine asks

We start to listen how they spotted him on the highway but i peep how badly Dalliyann is beat up ,

" did he hit you ?!" I ask in shock

She shook her head yes and told us what happened and thats why he ran off with the baby .

We all sit in the police station until early that morning . Around 6am we see them bring in Quashawn. The officer brings Dalliyann aside and tells her that her baby , Zanee has been killed . In total shock Dalliyann drops to her knees and i try to chase after Quashawn but the officer stops me . Me and Jazmine try to comfort Dalliyann but honestly it is all too late .

* a week later *

Today is Zanee's funeral and everyone from Dalliyann's family and Quashawn's family came. Quashawn's mother still couldn't believe her son would do such a thing and apologized on Quashawn's behalf but I don't think Dalliyann really listened to anything anyone said .

When it was time to actually put the coffin in the ground , Dalliyann balled her eyes out and so did I . As i tries to hold Dalliyann , Kaylab tried to hold me . Today Dalliyann and I buried our daughter because i counted that as my first child as well.

On my way back home from the funeral i could barely even drive so I swapped spots with Kaylab and let him drive us back to his place which is right down the street from my house . When i got in Kaylab's house i texted Dalliyann to tell her anytime she needs to come get out of the house , my door is always opened .

For the rest of the day i spent my time with Kaylab's daughter Chyna and him we watched the movie The Fault in Our stars on . During the movie i fell asleep and stayed the night over Kaylab's .

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