The Beach

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"Finally the summer holidays are here! I can't wait to relax, tan, party and sleep!" I said

"I agree! This is going to be the best summer holidays ever!" said Lilli

Lilli is one of my best friends, we live just around the corner from each other and the beach so we hang out all the time. She is also very beautiful with long, wavy caramel blonde hair and the deepest green eyes you will ever see. Lilli lives with her boyfriend Matthew, they are like a match made in heaven. Matthew and I are friends and we get along pretty well but I don't really hang out with him that much.

"Do you want to head out to the beach?" said Lilli

"Sure, I will just get into my bikini so meet you in 5 at yours?" I said

"OK, see you soon!" said Lilli

I quickly ran home and got changed into my new chevron bikini I bought from Valleygirl and chucked a crop top and denim shorts over top of my bikini. I quickly got my beach bag ready with sunscreen, lip balm, a jersey, my phone and my keys and then I left to go and meet up with Lilli again. I see Lilli just locking up her house and she is just in her bikini as she lives across the road from the beach.

"Hey Lilli, I'm over here! I shout as I see her turn around.

"Hey Rae! I love your bikini it really suits you! says Lilli

I should probably tell you what I look like. I, like Lilli also have caramel blonde hair but my hair is straight though my hair colour isn't natural. I have light blue eyes that sparkle in the sun and I have quite a naturally tan skin tone. I am a surfer girl as well and spend the majority of my time at the beach so I have quite a toned figure as well.

"Thanks Lilli! You look amazing too! Is that a new bikini?" I asked

"Yep! I bought it last week in preparation for the summer holidays haha!" exclaimed Lilli

"Do you wanna play beach volleyball?" I asked

"Maybe later, lets just go for a short walk around by the waves first" Lilli said

"OK then" I said

As we made our way over to the beach I saw out of the corner of my eye, 2 really cute guys. I saw 1 of the guys look up and we made brief eye contact. I carried on walking, trying to concentrate on what Lilli was talking to me about but I couldn't get the brief moment of seeing one of the guys eyes out of my mind, his eyes were enchanting, mystical, like they had a deep meaningful story to tell. Lilli snapped me out of my daydream

"Rae, Rae, RAVEN! Are you even listening to me!?" asked Lilli

"Sorry Lil! I was distracted, carry on" I said

"You were checking out those cute boys weren't you!" exclaimed Lilli

"What cute boys? Anyways, you have a boyfriend" I retorted

"But you don't!" Lilli replied

"Oh shut up Lilli! So what were you talking about anyways?" I asked

"Guess what, those boys you were checking out are coming over" said Lilli

"Yea, sure they are Lil. You can't trick me!" I exclaimed

"Hey there girls, How are you doing on this fine summer day?" asked the blue eyed boy

"Hey! I am doing brilliantly, whom asks?" questioned Lilli

"I am Kyle and this is my friend Matt" said Kyle

"I am Lilli and this is my friend Raven but you can call her Rae, aye Rae?" said Lilli

"Ummm yea, Hey I'm Raven but you can call me Rae" I told them

"Hello Rae and Lilli, I am Matt as Kyle said" said Matt

"So, How old are you guys?" asked Lilli

"I am 21" said Kyle. The one that caught my eye.

"I am 20" said Matt.

"Well, we are both 21" signaled Lilli

"Your friend is pretty quiet over there" said Kyle

"Rae! Hello?" said Lilli

"Umm yea sorry, I'm Raven but you can call me Rae" I blurted

"You've said that already!" Lilli whispered to me

"Well, would you like to play a game of beach volleyball? asked Matt

"I would love to! Are you game Rae?" asked Lilli

"Yea sure, I love beach volley ball!" I exclaimed

We all headed over to the net for a game of beach volleyball with a few other people, we decided to play girls versus guys and the girls won! We ended up playing for about an hour.

"That was a pretty good game guys!" I said

"It sure was! You girls are competitive!" said Kyle

"You know it!" Lilli exclaimed

"Hey everybody! Do you wanna have a bonfire at the beach? asked Matt

"Yes!" said a chorus of people

"Could some of you guys help me get some wood for the bonfire?" asked Matt

"Yep" said a few of the guys

Once the wood had been set up and lit it was around 5pm and the sun was starting to disappear into the horizon. Everybody went to go and stand by the waters edge to watch the beautiful sunset. Someone went and got 10 or so pizzas to share with the group for dinner, we chucked the left over boxes in the fire to keep it going. Slowly dribs and drabs of people started leaving between 7 and 8pm. There were about 7 people left near 9pm and slowly the fire was dying out.

"Hey Rae, I think I might head home as it is getting a bit chilly and I didn't bring anything warm." said Lilli

"Do you want my jacket?" offered Matt

"No it's ok, I should probably get back home to my boyfriend" said Lilli

Matt looked a little bit disappointed to find out that Lilli had a boyfriend but he still asked if he could accompany her home.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Matt asked

"That would be lovely" said Lilli

"I might go home after I walk Lilli home ok Kyle?" said Matt

"Ok" said Kyle "See you later"

"Bye Rae! See you tomorrow or something!" said Lilli as she walked away

There was only me, Kyle and a couple across from us left at the bonfire

"So Rae, what did you think of today?" asked Kyle

"It was awesome! Thanks so much for the bonfire and everything, I had a great time. What about you?" I asked Kyle

"It was great! What made it better was being here with you" Kyle said to me

"Well, here is something that could make it a bit better" I said as I handed him my number. "I should probably get going since it is getting cold and dark"

"Would you like me to drop you home?" asked Kyle

"I would like that" I replied with a sleepy smile

Just before we left, Kyle got some water to put out the fire as the couple had left to go home.

"Goodnight Rae" Kyle said to me as he dropped me off at the door

I opened the door to my cold house and went straight to me room and got changed into a tank top and went to sleep. I was so drained after the day at the beach so I fell straight to sleep.

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