Your hoodie...

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OH MY GOSH I'M BACK AGAIN! Okay but seriously thanks for all the frikkin support guys! Anyway another song AU for you cause.........well I don't know :D Anyway....ENJOY LORDS, LASSES AND NON-BINARY PASSES!

This font = Roman singing

Roman's POV

5 years now......

5 years he's been gone. And I STILL didn't ask him out! Virgil, the most beautiful and gorgeous kitten on this damn Earth, sadly left me for New York due to his mum getting a new job or something like that.

When he left there where a lot, and I mean A LOT of tears, hugs and just pure pain that where present. I remember he left me with three things. Now I know what your thinking, What did he leave you Roman? Well I'll tell you like jeez give me a minute dude! ANYWAY! He left me with this:

A huge, passionate and somehow deadly painful crush on the emo, which has been maintained and actually strengthened since he left. How? Well have you heard of a little app called WhatsApp? Yeah well that is literally the only thing that's kept my sanity.

A kiss on the cheek - again which strengthened this 'little' crush of mine and has haunted me in my dreams.

And a hoodie. A black as night hoddie with purple patches sewn onto it. It just perfectly symbolises him doesn't it? Cute but edgy.

That's it. Well accept vivid memories of him and his beautiful charm. Oh and a very emotional goodbye.

I miss him too much....

Oh! But! On a happier note, today I am gonna do an audition for a record company! Now I know, I know I could have sung a Disney song or something like that, however I just kinda felt like my own song would fit in.

So here I am, sitting outside of the audition room in a bleach white backgrounded waiting area, my confidence roaring but then dipping then rises again. The person beside me looks like a flipping Phan Flag and they are holding a...... A GIANT FOG HORN?!


"Ummmm....let's see here..." An obviously aged woman announced, her dull, emerald green eyes frantically scanning a document on a clip board. She looked around the room and her eyes locked with mine. "Mr Prince? Roman Prince?"

"At your service" I said, plastering a huge, yet unknowingly fake, smile on my face.

"Ah yes, Mr Prince this way if you please..." She motioned towards the double doors behind her so I stood up, desperately trying to gather every ounce of confidence left in me. It's like since Virgil left, all my confidence and happiness has drained out of me.


Ugh I just need to look positively into this.

I can do this.

If I don't make it here then there's always that bar down the road in which I can sing at.

Surely with a song like this I'll be alright.


"Okay Roman, the stage is all yours!"

And with one of the judge's words, the backing track kicked in and the lights adjusted to shine upon me.

It's show time!

You'd probably think I was psychotic
(if you knew)
What I still got in my closet
(sad but true)
Slip it on over my shoulders
Something I'll never get over
It makes me feel a little bit closer to you

Prinxiety One Shots ❤️🖤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora