Frisk x Chara.

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Here's a pastel drawing of what Princess Frisk and Prince Chara will look like before Frisk gives birth to Kris.

Here's a pastel drawing of what Princess Frisk and Prince Chara will look like before Frisk gives birth to Kris

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Now let me warn you.
I messed up so many times while drawing this thing that I'm saying it's not the official version but who cares. It's good hair practice.
There is a scene in the upcoming book of this stupid Medieval AU that has Undertale and Deltarune characters.
Frisk is about seventeen while Chara is eighteen in this picture when they are engaged to be married when Frisk turns eighteen. Chara is frustrated over the idea of being forced into marriage while Frisk distracts herself from his frustrating personality by paying attention to how attractive she finds him. And her constant flirting doesn't help his currently growing frustration.
...I'm going to have to write a character bio before long. I'm feeling pretty pumped about writing this AU.

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