Blue Stone - Chapter 9

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"I knew you would come." The voice is deep and sounds throughout the room, like a wave rolling across the shore. I swivel around so quickly I almost trip over my own feet. 

"You!" My eyes are wide with surprise. He's dressed in the same grey satin shirt and I'm once again startled by his gaze. He looks at me with such attention that I feel a sudden consciousness of every fiber of my being, my cheeks burn with embarrassment and I cross my arms over my chest.

He walks toward me, his pace even and his steps wide. "I hope I'm not keeping you up too late but I thought maybe the night had ended a little early. I'm glad you thought the same." He reaches his hand up to push an annoying curl out of his face as he comes to stop directly in front of me. I'm left with my mouth gaping open. What's going on here?

How did I get here? Where even is here and... and... him. How do I explain him or the excitement that jumps around in the back of my mind, elated by the idea of enjoying his company once again. But that's in the back of my mind, right now I'm wondering why he's so certain that I want to be here.

"I mean no disrespect but... how would you know what I think?" Can he read minds? I've been drooling over his looks all night and the second I saw him in this ballroom. Saying I could never face him again is an understatement. 

He looks confused and reaches down to grab my hand, hesitating just a moment, he catches my eyes and says, "May I?" I nod and he lifts it between us.

"Well you came here, didn't you. This ring is from me, there's a transportation stone embedded in the centre." I look down at my hand in his, his hand feels so warm. I quickly push away my thoughts and focus my attention on the shimmering turquoise stone. 

"A transportation stone?" My voice descends in wonder and I pull my hand free to examine the crystal in closer proximity. It looks like lapis but with the same flickering effect of an opal and I tilt my hand back and forth to admire its beauty. Finally I put my hand down and look back up to him, only to equally meet his gaze. He seems to be analyzing me with a light curiosity and a slight grin.

I quickly fumble for something to say. "It's beautiful. I've never seen one before." He brows crease in a momentary look of confusion before he relaxes his face and smiles. My heart seems to leap inside my chest and I feel the pace quicken. I gulp down my nervousness and settle once again to looking at the shimmering stone for a distraction.

"Well you can look at this one for as long as you like since it belongs to you now and you can use it to come here whenever you like." Now it's my turn for a look of confusion.

I look around, once again bewildered by the grandeur of this place and how I even ended up being here. I reply, "And where exactly is here?"

*Next part is coming soon. I already have a draft ready, just need to type up the good copy! Let me know your thoughts, love reading the comments!  How do you like the characters? The scene? The progress of the story? 

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