A New World - Chapter 11

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"The flower of death...."My voice drifts away as I look at the bloom in contemplation. Its intricate and detailed design immediately demands attention to its beauty. The red colour so deep, dark and rich. Then I look around, perceiving the scene as a whole. The blossoms bundle together in little clusters and the scarlet filaments surround the flowers like a red haze. 

I am the daughter of Demeter - the Goddess of the Harvest - I have seen a number of great and beautiful botanical creations. Some that I have even created myself - but this flower is unworldly. It speaks for itself of gentleness and allure. It shouldn't be held in contempt for the ideas associated with it if it is beautiful in its own right.

"So what." I say with bold conviction. His gaze pulls up to meet mine, focusing on my face to decipher my sincerity. "So what. It's beautiful. I can't let some vague association corrupt my appreciation of its beauty." His eyes are wide with disbelief and surprise for a moment before he gathers himself, looks down then up as he smiles toward me. I wonder why he was so surprised by what I said. It seemed like it was something a little deeper than regular surprise at a peculiar assertion.

But before I had time to ask he quickly stood up and I was left like a small child looking up at him from a clump of pink chiffon and blood red flowers. I lift my skirts gently and get up to face him. He is still a good bit taller than me and I try to match his height as best I can by holding my back straight.

"So do you like it here?" He asks me with anticipation. His eyes trying to identify any indication of an answer on my face. Like he's trying to hide an underlying desperation for approval.

I nod gently and slowly. "Yes. I like it very much. It's very peaceful." I look around again. One last time since I've decided it's getting late and although I would like to explore some more, I really should be getting home.

This place is so darkly beautiful. It's so serene it feels like a different world than the one I've known. I wish to sometime visit it again. Then my eyes wander to the stranger that I met this night. 

And him. He's looking up at the stars in the sky. Twinkling their small little lights in the deep blue eternity. I'd like to see him again too.

"I have to go." I say.

"I know, I figured you might."

"But..." I hesitate.

"You should come back sometime. Soon. You have the ring. Anytime you'd like, you're welcome here." The ring shines blue light on my finger as if brought to life by its mention.

"Thank you." I smile at him. "I would love to come back."

"Of course. There's still so much more I have to show you little bird." He chuckles deeply and my cheeks flush. Little bird. That's what he called me. It was so innocently endearing. A man had never called me anything in familiarity whatsoever. My mother wouldn't have it. I liked when he called me that.

"Well so how do I get back?" I ask to find a distraction from my redness and focusing on the blue light.

He approaches me and gently puts his hands over my eyes from behind me. "Just close your eyes. Close your eyes and think of the place you want to be."

I struggle to concentrate. 

His hands are warm. 

Then there's nothing but cold and darkness. I'm back in my room.

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