Chapter 1

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    "Vivianna! Vivianna, wake up!" I hear my brother Vance shout from somewhere in our house. My mind feels heavy with sleep, I am too tired to deal with his fifteen year old emotions this early in the morning.  I look at the clock on my nightstand, it reads 5:53 AM, this better be good or I guess I've found my first task of the day: kill Vance.

    "Vivianna! Hurry up, we've got to get to school!" he shouts once again, reaching my doorway. Before I respond I hear a pitter patter of footsteps come from down the hallway until they reach my room.

    My six year old brother stands there, wearing a bathrobe and a sleep mask resting upon his head full of messy brown hair. That kid, I don't know what to do with him sometimes. "Shut up!" Vinny shouts at our obnoxious brother, "It's not even six in the morning, and I need my beauty sleep!" he finishes then storms off back to his bedroom.  Both Vance and I stare at his retreating figure until he is gone. I shake my head trying to process what just happened, it's not abnormal, but still.

    "I agree with the thirty year old female trapped inside the body of a little boy, go back to bed. It is way too early to get to the school." I tell Vance, barely lifting my head from my pillow. My hair is a giant mess and the taste of my mouth is atrocious. I put my head underneath my pillow to drown out any other noise, but that doesn't stop my brother from trying to persuade me again. Why can't I just stay in bed all day? I try to form a really good relationship with it, but every morning we are ripped apart. It's tragic really.

    "I have to get there early Vana. It's important!" He tries to reason, pulling the pillow off of my head. This really annoys me and I'm very close to hitting him with the lamp on my nightstand. I flip over onto my back and glare at him.

    "Who's the girl?" I question simply.

    "Psh! What girl? Can't I just be a studd- studioun student?" he asks in a high pitched voice,  and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes at him.

    "Considering the word is studious, no. Go. Back. To. Bed." I pronounce clearly and slowly.

    "Okay, so maybe it is for a girl, but IT'S TRUE LOVE!" he shouts at me.

    "Oh yeah? What's her interests?" I question.

    "Well, um-"

    "Her middle name?"

    "I haven't gotten that-"

    "Have you ever had a conversation with her?"

    "Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight? You don't need to speak to someone to know you love them!" he tries to reason.

    "I am done with this conversation. Leave my room." I say pointing to the door.

    "Fine, but when I'm 40,  not married, and living in your basement, I'm going to remind you of this very moment and then eat all of the food you have in the house." he says stomping out of my room.

    "Can't wait!" I exclaim. I then close my eyes, but after awhile when sleep doesn't come to me I look over at my clock again, 6:34 AM. I need to start getting ready for school soon. I groan sitting up and looking around my dark room, I contemplate whether school is really worth it anymore. 

I sit in silence for a few minutes before I finally convince myself that it is, though I don't know why.

    I trudge over to my closet and take out a pair of sweats and a track and field t-shirt. Then I go and grab my phone off of my bed, I see I got a text from Phoebe. She's been my friend since we were six, but we're from two different countries. She lives near Greece and we met at a ski resort that both of our families happend to be at at the time.

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