Chapter 3

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The girls arrive at the cabin before the guys do, which I don't understand because we were trailing them for most the trip here.

Leera jumps out of the loca limo first exclaiming, "Let's get this party started! I'm going to go find the bar!" I love Leera but she is a total party junkie. She'll be drunk before the first guest arrives.

"I'll go watch her to make sure she doesn't over do it." Queenie sighed following her through the front doors. She's definitely the most responsible one of the group, so I trust she'll watch her.

"Don't let her get too drunk!" I shout as the door closes. "Gizelle, can you go inside, find all of the expensive decor and then hide it in the master bedroom?" I request,  "I'm going to go down to the dock and make sure everything down there is ready."

"Yeah sure. Do you want me to send the guys down there when I see them?" She proposed.

"Don't send all of them, just a couple. Tell the two who stay up at the house to dig out all of the snacks from the pantry and then set the video games up in the game room." I elaborated. She nodded and walked into the cabin while I walked down a path to the lakefront. 

I went into the shed next to the water and brought out the kayaks, paddle boards, and all the pool floats. I'd let the guys get the lily pad out later. Then I walked over to the Jacuzzi and turned it on. I made my way over to the boat and checked that it had all of the right equipment: skis, a tube, ropes, and life jackets. 

I stepped off of the dock and stood on the rocks near the shore. I watched the calm waters and wished I could always feel as peaceful as I did right now.

A breeze passed over my face, it twirled my hair as it moved past. I breathed in the warm end of summer air, how I wished this school year didn't have to keep moving so quickly. It was barely even September, but with this being my senior year I felt like everything was going so fast. Within a blink of an eye everything would be over and I'd be off to college.

College. Expectations. Life. It was all coming so fast, and my parents were expecting so much out of me, I'd even say too much. 

I'm watching my friends as they have the time of their lives during their senior year, while I'm sitting at home doing my homework and watching my brothers. My parents expect me to go to Harvard, become a lawyer like my father was, but that's not me.  I want to do something else with my life, but I still have no clue what. 

That's not good enough for them.

"Vana! We're here!" I hear Perry shout, causing my to jump out of my skin. Bohdi trailed along behind him. Bohdi doesn't talk much, in fact I think the only time I've heard him speak is to say sorry for not warning someone about the soccer ball coming at their head. Even then I don't know if he spoke actual words.

"I'm pretty much set up down here, but will you get the lily pad out and light the tiki torches?" 

"Of course." Perry complied as Bohdi nodded.

I left them to do that and headed towards the garage. I've always hated that place, it's dark, damp, and for some reason it constantly smells like wet sock. I grab fairy lights off of the shelf and search for the ladder.

As soon as I find that I head out to the patio and string the lights on the trees. I look at the time on my phone and see that people should start arriving within the next half an hour.

I had to start getting ready soon, but before I went back up to the cabin I went to check on the fire pit.

 I started by cleaning up the area from the last fire I had here, and let me tell you, that got messy. I shudder at the memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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