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     (Percy P.O.V)

Why, oh why would the fates be so cruel?

I sat down with Alpha at my side. Looking at my friends made me fall into another flashback...


"You have been accused of aiding Setne on his way to overthrow the Olympians. What do you presume?" Zeus thundered angrily.

"Innocence," I stated. In fact, if I didn't help Annabeth, Sadie, and Carter on the Quest to stop Setne, Olympus would be ashes now and Setne would rule the world. But Gods are stupid. (no offense here, Athena, seeing you're the goddess of wisdom and all, but if you believed me when I said no offense...)

Poseidon, my wonderful dad (note the sarcasm there) scowled. "You aided him on the path to immortality and we have proof. So, stop trying to lie to us."

"Proof? Who? What?" I asked, confused. "Why, Annabeth, my dear daughter of course," Athena said. I gawked at Annabeth.

She stared me down. "Percy here pretended to help us during the fighting. He took Setne away for a private chat while hosting Nekhbet, the vulture goddess. I spied on him and found that he was just faking everything, that he's actually an ally of Setne and he's been lying all along. The Egyptians are not to be trusted."

After Annabeth finished I could barely handle what she just said. Annabeth betrayed me. But why? "Well!" Zeus thundered, "Do you still insist on stubbornly lying to the Gods?"

"I didn't lie," I said. Poseidon raged. "I Poseidon God of the sea hereby disown Perseus Jackson as my son." I felt like the world was spinning under me, mentally hurt. I leaned on my sword for support. Ironic. Perseus Jackson. The two-time- wait cut that. Three-time savior of Olympus. Leaning on his sword, barely able to stand. Ha.

"A vote, then, brother." Poseidon said, growling at me.

Zeus nodded, and said: "I vote for his Execution, he has betrayed us and turned to the enemies." Poseidon said: "I vote for Execution as well, he is no longer my son." Hades said: "I vote for life. Perseus Jackson helped my siblings on, well, basically everything, and I know that he would never do such a thing. You would be crazy, brothers, to even suggest that." I smiled gratefully at the first God that has voted for me. Hestia said: "I vote for life as well. Perseus Jackson is a great hero among all." She gave me a warm smile. I returned it. Athena said: "I vote for death. I have perfect evidence here with my daughter." ...

After all the Gods voted, Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Hera, Hephaestus, Aphrodite and Demeter voted against me while Hades, Hestia, Dionysus (Yeah. Surprising isn't that?), Hermes, Apollo and Artemis voted for me.

Zeus boomed. "So, it's eight against six now, Perseus Jackson, and if we don't count the vote of my brother and sister, since they aren't Olympians, it would be eight against four. Any last words, traitor?"

I thought about it. I wasn't freaked out at all that I was about to die. I growled at Annabeth. "I hope you rot in Tartarus," I spat.

Annabeth crossed her arms and looked on with a murderous look in her eyes. Zeus raised his lightning bolt, so I braced myself for the hit and closed my eyes.

After a while, still nothing happened. I opened my eyes and immediately thought that I was in the underworld, but I knew better. This place was Gorgeous and the underworld simply wasn't like this. Skies? Of course, they don't have that in the underworld. Flowers? Only Persephone's garden. And I was pretty sure this wasn't Persephone's garden. This place wasn't filled with wailing souls who died. This was not the underworld.

P.S Sorry for such a short chap... I'm just getting the hang of this. 

(EDITED March 15th 2019)

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