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   (Percy P.O.V)


"Welcome, to Planet Chaos, Percy," said a man's voice.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Where are you? Are you invisible? Are you here to kill me?"

The man laughed. "I'm right here, my dear Percy, and no, I don't intend to do any harm to you, young Perseus."

As soon as he said that, I saw a man form out of thin air. He had swirling black eyes, a slightly tan body, and... I was pretty sure that was a Nike shirt he was wearing. That's when I recognized him. "Lord Chaos," I said in awe, starting to bow.

Chaos smirked. "Percy, dear boy, don't call me lord, or bow to me, please. I don't like it when people do that."

"Um, so Lo- Chaos, wasn't I supposed to be dead?"

"Nope!" Chaos said cheerfully. "I saved you and the Olympians will only see a crater and a pile of dust that, of course, isn't you at all. As for your soul, I'm sure Hades wouldn't investigate further."

"Then why did you save me?" I asked.

"Well I had to save my son, shouldn't I?" Chaos replied.

"Your son? I'm sorry Lor- Chaos, but Poseidon is my father, or rather, was before he disowned me." I said, slightly baffled.

Chaos snickered. "That was just the mist covering up what was the truth. I am your real father, Perseus."

"You, Chaos, creator of the Universe, my father?" I almost fell backwards, upon hearing the news. "Then who was my mother, then?" Chaos smiled. "Come and see for yourself, Percy."

I followed him into a palace. All I could say was: "Wow." The palace was enormous. Everything was made of Chaos gold and when I willed a random surprise such as golden flowers sprouted from the ground. (Sorry guys I'm bad at describing)

And I saw what I thought was definitely my mom by the look on Chaos' face, and my jaw dropped. Nyx. The very primordial of night who wanted me dead in Tartarus, mainly because of the Tartarus travel guide.

"You," She hissed. Chaos said, "Well, well, behave Nyx, he's our son after all."

Nyx's expression changed immediately, lighting up, so that her emotions showed happiness. "Our son? OUR SON?" "Yep, he is Omega," said Chaos. Nyx ran over and hugged me. "Oh, Omega, my lovely boy. I never thought I would see you again, I'm sorry for almost killing you in Tartarus..." she looked down.

"Omega?" I asked. "That was your name before I took you to Earth," Chaos said. "Why did you take me to Earth?" I asked Chaos.

"You were the prince, naturally, since you were my son, so I knew my evil brother, End, would eventually start to try to hunt you down. So, I sent you away, to Earth, as a demigod with only your water powers and made Poseidon believe you were his son, using the mist. And for Poseidon's actions today, that wasn't him, but Zeus was very much Zeus himself," Chaos replied.

"So, I am to be addressed as Omega now?" I asked. "If you want to." Chaos answered. "If you don't, you can still be Perseus Achilles Jackson." "I would rather be Omega Nyx-Chaos," I said, "I should have a new beginning."

Flashback end~~

"Omega. Planet Chaos to Omega Nyx-Chaos," Alpha said.

Alpha was my best friend in the whole army, except for Zoë though, she was another level. Oh wait. What did I just say? Oh, maybe I should introduce the elite team. Alpha is Luke, whom I brought back from the dead and joined the Chaos Army happily. He is my second in command while I'm first in command, naturally.

Starry is Zoë Nightshade. She is no longer a hunter after I brought her back from the dead but she's very happy now.

Bianca di Angelo is Angel, Charles Beckendorf is Forge, Selina is Beauty, Jason is Thunder, third in command while a certain Pandos who died in the same quest with Jason, Crest is, well, Crest. He doesn't need a code name.

Michael Yew is Archer while Pan-You're right, the god Pan who faded in the labyrinth, is Wild, well you can guess why. Castor is Vines, which suited him, being the son of Dionysus and whatnot. "What's up, Alphie?" I asked. "Chaos asked for you," Alpha said. "Well, I'd better get going," I said, "Won't want to give him the satisfaction of catching me off guard."

I opened a portal to Chaos' place (Yes, I could do that but only by teleporting to his place, for the time being) and asked: "Dad, you asked? What do you want?"

Chaos nodded: "I think you are now capable of holding the full power of the heir to the throne. Also, this might hurt a bit..."

Without warning, dad shot a ball of energy at me, engulfing me in a fiery ball of power, catching me off-guard.

Before my eyes flowed all the elements in the whole freaking universe. A part went in me: Water, I realized, before feeling like I was drowning, due to the power that surged through me.

Another part: Fire went through me and I immediately felt like I was being burned to death. Really?

Wind, Death, Darkness, Light, Sun, Lightning... For a day, as it felt like, but it was probably just a minute top. Every second I got a new power and experienced a new sort of pain. I was just about to pass out and then...

Finally, it was over. I stood gasping in my dad's office and everything was back to normal, except for the multi-colored wings I now had on my back, and a fresh surge of power. I knew I was also admitted by the fates as a primordial, because of the voices of the fates in my head, which left just as soon as it had come.

"Uh, next time a little warning first?" I asked my dad.

"Okay," Dad said, but there was something in his voice like fear? He muttered under his breath: "Please don't blow up more planets."

I asked: "What?" He said sadly: "I need you to return to earth to help the Olympians in the upcoming war with my cou-"

Boom! "No!" Chaos shouted, "Stop blowing up planets!"

When I get angry, which isn't often, I always blow up a section of planets, due to my anger. Let's say last time I was training with my army and one of the soldiers hit one of my warriors with a poisoned arrow, mainly because he was jealous at us.

Let's say I was outraged. Several millions of people on different planets had to move away from their planet because it was well, destroyed.

Chaos was really angry at the soldier and he removed him and-well things didn't go well with the poor boy. (Well I'm not gonna call him poor. He asked for it. No one touches any of the elite!)

"Nope, nope, nope!" I said, frantically shaking my head.

"Omega, please..." Chaos said.

"Why, Lord Chaos? I thought I never had to go back to that god dam place! Earth used to be my favorite! Now, you know how low it had sunk in my favorite planets list?" I shouted, barely able to contain myself.

"Omega!" Chaos said again.

"Fine. But you owe me a trillion jars of blue cookies, Lord Chaos. And only because of the cookies," I said.

"Ok, and didn't I tell you to not call me Lord Chaos?" Chaos asked.

"That's why I said it, LORD Chaos," I smirked again.

"Well, Omega Nyx-Chaos, son of two primordials, commander in the army of Chaos, the second strongest being in the universe, heir to the throne of the universe, primordial of time, earth, Tartarus, loyalty, and much more..." Chaos smirked, sprouting words from his mouth.

"Lord Chaos, creator of the universe, strongest being in the universe, current possessor to the throne of the universe and blah blah blah..." I retorted.

"Oh, wasn't you saying something about your cousin?" I asked curiously.

"Unfortunately, yes, Omega. The new threat is Void and Destruction, my cousins. And I'm afraid they're working with my brother, End."

(EDITED March 15th 2019)

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