Taylor - Haley Pt. 2

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It's been a month. A whole month of sneaking around. The guys and Mahogany even set up a schedule so they take turns distracting Cam so Taylor and I can go somewhere. They really are great friends.

"Hey Haley, today's my day so if you need anything just text me." Carter whispered as he past me in the hallway. I smiled and mouthed thank you. I was walking down to Mahogany's room to talk about music and the upcoming events and of course, me and Taylor.

"Come in." I heard her say as I knocked on the door. I walked in and sat on her bed.

"So are guys doing anything for your birthday?" She immediately asked.

"No cause Cam is still being stubborn and it'd be too hard to plan something for the two of us cause he wants to celebrate it with me. Plus I couldn't ask all of you to distract him longer than normal." I explained.

"We'd all be happy to help. You know that." She said sitting down cross- legged facing me. we sat the same, me at the end of her bed and her with back to the headboard.

"Well today is Carter's day so I'll call him in here and you call Taylor in here." She told me with a look on her face that told me she had a plan. I texted Taylor.

To: Taylor

Hey Mahogany needs you.

We have to text like that in case Cam is near the other person and sees the word, "babe" or something.

From: Taylor

Ok I'll be there.

"Okay Taylor's on his way." I told her. There was a certain knock on the door.

"And that's Carter." She said getting up to open the door.

"Okay I know you guys want to help us out but you even have a secret knock?" I asked laughing.

"Well cause then if you and Taylor were both in here at the same time and Cam knocked and we didn't know it was him then you could get caught." Carter explained walking in the room. I nodded my head in understanding. Another knock. It was different fro mCarters but not normal.

"That's Taylor's knock. Only he does that one." Mahogany explained as Carter opened the door for him. He sat down next to me and kissed my cheek as he grabbed y hand with his and laced our fingers together.

"Hi Haley." He whispered. Carter and Mahogany were talking.

"Hi TayTay." I smirked knowing he'd blush at that name.

"Okay before you start making out listen. Carter is going to go distract Cameron while we get the rest of the boys in here. And by the rest of the boys, we mean the rest of the boys." Mahogany told us.We both blush a little and Carter went out to go find Cameron. Suddenly the boys just started coming in, one by one.

Matt, Johnson, Aaron, and Dillon all came in first. Then Nash, Hayes, Bryant, and Jacob walked in. After them Gilinsky came in by himself. Then Shawn, Nate, Nick, and Sam walked in. They had used the knock Carter used and they all were in a big group chat that allowed them to know when it's their turn and to reach everyone for things like this I guess. I didn't really pay attention as they talked. Carter came back and I was confused because he was supposed to be distracting Cameron.

"Okay he's with Chad. They're going over stuff. I don't know. Nash, what did Chad say he'd talk about?" Chad was in on this too? Wow.

"Stuff that Cameron should be talking to him about anyways. I have no idea." Nash replied.

"Okay so Haley. Your birthday is in how many days?" Mahogany asked.

"It's actually tomorrow." I said. Everyone went quiet.

"Shit." I heard someone whisper.

"Okay well then..." Mahogany started mumbling about short notice and they have a lot to do. I started zoning out again.

"Haley! You should listen now." I snapped out of my gaze to Taylor talking to me.

"Okay so you're going to to celebrate with Cameron in the morning, Taylor in the afternoon and all of us at night. So you'll need to come up with some lie that Cameron will believe so you can get away for the afternoon. So we all know what we need to do. Let's all go to our rooms and go to sleep, I'm so tired." Mahogany explained. We all got up and I couldn't help but wonder what she said to all of them. I got to my door.

"Happy early birthday baby." Taylor whispered as he slid his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek from behind me. My eyes closed as I leaned on him. I turned around and hugged him.

"You should go to bed now. I can tell you're pretty tired." He said kissing my forehead. I opened my door as he walked down to my room. Luckily Cam wasn't in here. I took a shower and as I was brushing my hair Cameron walked in.

"Hey Haley. Are you still mad at me?" He asked as he got clothes to sleep in. I didn't answer him.

"Oh so it's the silent treatment now. Whatever I'm just protecting you." That comment got me mad.

"What the hell are you protecting me from? Taylor's not a bad guy. He's sweet, caring, funny, and a better man you'll ever be." I yelled at him and grabbed phone and charger, prepared to walk out of the room. Cameron stopped me.

"Don't walk out that door. We need to talk about this. I had said don't date any of the guys cause once we all go back to our homes forever you won't see them and you'll be heart broken. Long distance relationships are hard. It's hard enough that we go home every week but once we stay home then thats when it gets bad.I just wanted to prevent that." He explained.

"That's a load of bullshit." I said coldly and walked down to Mahogany's room again and started crying as I knocked the knock they told me to use.

"Oh sweetie come in." I walked in and saw Jacob sitting on the bed. He opened his arms and I just fell on his lap as he hugged me. Suddenly I heard Taylor's knock and he came in with a worried look on his face. Jacob let go of me and Taylor picked me up and sat on the bed.

"What happened?" Taylor asked after I had calmed down and almost had normal breathing.

"Cameron tried to say he was protecting me from you. And-" I started breathing jagged again as I started tearing up again.

"Breath. In through you nose, out through your mouth." Taylor said. I did it a few times and moved from his lap to sit nest him so I could face him, Mahogany, and Jacob.

"He had said he thought I'd get heart broken if I dated any of the boys cause long distance is hard. I don't know why I'm so upset. I'm just mad that he thinks he needs to protect me from Taylor. He's a fucking good guy. He's sweet, caring, funny, considerate, adorable... He'd never hurt me." I rambled on kind of forgetting he was right next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into his lap. He hugged me and kissed my temple.

"I'd never hurt you and that so sweet." He said.

"Awwwww. You guys are so cute!" Mahogany cooed. We both laughed and I sat up again.

"Can I stay in here again?" I asked quietly.

"Of course." She replied. I got up and grabbed the blanket and pillow form last night and sat on the chair.

"Well I should probably go back to my room. Don't want Cam walking in on me being in here." Taylor said with sad humor in his voice. I got up and walked over to him. I hugged him and his arms went around my waist as my arms went around his neck. We stood there for a moment, slightly rocking back and forth, not wanting to let go. He kissed my cheek.

"Good night babe. I'm not going anywhere and I'll never hurt you." He whispered and let go. I was surprised to see he tears in his eyes. My eyes welled up with tears and took a deep breath and wiped my eyes.

"Night babe. I know you'd never hurt me." I said back and he went back to his room. I went back to the chair and covered up. As I laid there I thought about my fights with Cam. We never used to fight like this. I mean we fought like siblings but over something like this was heard of with us. It pained me to ignore him but I needed to get my point across. I soon fell asleep, anxious for tomorrow to come.

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