Taylor - Nina

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He sat there wondering what she was thinking. Her beautiful eyes were half closed and her long hair was shadowing her face. She had her chin rested on the palm of her hand and almost a slight frown on her face. He openly stared as he was in the row next her, one desk behind the one next to her's.

"Nina! No sleeping in my class." The teacher kicked the leg of her desk and she jolted, her face immediately growing very red. She mumbled a small sorry, making him smile at her cuteness. The bell rang and he got up, waiting for her.

"Taylor, how are you always ready before me?" She asked, punching his arm. He shrugged.

"I dunno. I just don't do anything so I don't have to worry about putting shit away." He answered. His best friend of ten years, Nina, grabbed his arm and they walked out of class. He wanted to grab her hand but he knew she wouldn't be okay with it. She had a crush, and it wasn't on him. They walked to Taylor's next class and she yelled "bye" as he walked in. He sat down and put his head down. The class started but just as he was falling asleep...

"Taylor if you're going to continue just sleeping through my classes then you can leave now." The teacher said from the front of the room, making him look up. He rolled his eyes, picked his bag up, and walked out. He heard a few "oohs" and he chuckled to himself. He went to the hallway Nina had her class in and waved at her. She waved slightly, her cheeks burning, and quickly looked back to the front. Always the good one, he thought. He continued on to the office as he knew where to go when thrown out of class. He arrived and one of the secretaries gave him a disapproving look.

"Sleeping in class or being a nuisance?" The one at the front desk asked.

"Lindy, you and I both know that I get lethargic in biology. Can I have a pass home?" He asked smiling. She let a small smile slip on her face but sighed. She had him call his mother who approved. The school had decided to let this happen as he was almost a lost case. She wrote up his pass and handed it to him.

"You know this is not the best way to go through school. Just consider trying harder. We here to help students and seeing kids like you make us feel like failures. Just let us help you if we need to and if not then work with us." She said to him clasping her hands together and resting her elbows on the desk. He sighed. He walked to the door and stopped with the door open.

"And you know I'm helpless. You guys aren't the failures, I am." He had a sad smile on his face and left. He texted Nina telling her where he went.

To: Nina

I basically got kicked out of class and now im going home ill come back after school to pick you up

From: Nina

Okay. We need to talk after school.

To: Nina

weve been over this before im no hope i have my scoial media carrer and thats it

From: Nina

Not about that. Something else. Although we may talk about that again tonight.

To: Nina


From: Nina


He got in his car and drove home. The time passed quickly and he pulled up to the school. He saw Nina and yelled out the window. She ran to the car and hopped in. They drove off in silence.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She suddenly asked. Taylor jolted and the car swerved. He pulled over and looked at her in shock. She repeated it. "Taylor, I've always liked you and yes I know about your crush. I didn't know if I liked you or not so I hid it by obsessing over other guys. But now I realize that I've always liked you cause I get a giddy feeling every time we text, touch, talk, or even when I think about you. So, will you be my boyfriend?" Taylor just stared. His slow nod became a quick motion and they went in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you asked. I probably would've never had the courage to ask you." He whispered. She giggled.

"And that's why I like you." She smiled. He pulled back a bit and kissed her cheek. They pulled away and he put the car in drive. He grabbed her hand and drove back to his house. They walked inside and went to his room. They spent the night talking, cuddling, and laughing. Just an average night for these two friends- wait scratch that. This couple. That's better.

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