Hugot Quote #60

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" Same things.Same faces.Same reasons.Same meanings.Same love.Fake Love.
All over again.
You always hurt me.Again and again and again.
You always make me feel that you didn't even loved me.Again and again and again.
You always make me cry.Again and again and again.
You always make me feel lonely and useless.Again and again and again.
Why are you doing this to me?
Do I deserve all of this?
What did I do?
You keep on promising but in return,you're gonna do the same thing all over again.
Again and again.
But why do I even forgive you again and again even though I know that I'm gonna be hurt again? Why do I keep on accepting your apologies and mistakes if you don't even do anything to make it all right?
Am I that dumb?that stupid?
Because even though you're hurting me countless times I still forgive you and say "It's ok"
but deep inside I know to myself that it's not.
Do you wanna know why do I keep on forgiving you even though you're gonna hurt me more and why do I keep being stupid coz I'm still by your side after everything that happened?

  Well my answer is just simple...
It's just because I Love You.
I still continue to love you even though you're just hurting me.
I still love you because my heart beats for you.
I still love you because I do.

But for all the times that you keep on making me feel like I'm dead just for my love for you....I realized that I'm tired.
I'm tired on waiting ....waiting you would tell me you love me too.Not 'love' that you're just gonna say it by words to me .'Love' that you also feel for me.But you didn't even accept my efforts and love for why would I wait for a long time even though I know that you're never gonna love me back.
So.. I'm just gonna let go.
I'm letting you go because I Love You and I just want you to be happy with the person that you will truly love.........So..............


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