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I run a hand through my messy hair as I walk down the halls behind Luke towards the lunch hall.

"What are they serving today?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"Pizza? I don't remember." He mutters, rubbing his eye.

"You sleepy?" I giggle. He glares at me with his pretty blue eyes as I feign innocence, raising my brows curiously.

"Yeah, one of my crazies was making a ruckus this morning." He rolls his eyes.

"A ruckus? Are you sixty?" I tease, pushing him.

"Hey! Don't do that out here, someone might see you and think you're freaking out or something." I roll my eyes at him, but I know it's true. "And nearly, with the way you're aging me. I swear my hair is falling out. My stress lines have stress lines." He jokes.

"You still look good though, you hot old man." I giggle as he rolls his eyes and pretends to flip his hair.

"Damn right I do." He chuckles.

"And don't call me one of your crazies, you dick." I glare at him, and his face goes from joking to serious in seconds.

"Don't fucking cuss at me, Scarlett rose." He warns, and I roll my eyes. "I mean it! I will revoke your icecream privileges." I pout at his threat, but give in and apologize.

"Speaking of crazies, you have a meeting with the therapist after lunch." I stop walking and turn to look at him.

"Luke no! Please, please don't make me!" I beg, tugging on his shirt.

"You have to, rose. I don't know why you hate him so much." He says is a gently tone, with a stern but soft look on his face.

"He's not there to help! He acts like he's trying to help and be your best friend but he really just takes whatever you say to him and twists it so you get privileges taken away or they put you in isolation or-"

"Love, calm down." Luke shushes my loud, panicked tone. "I don't know about that, but if you want I can see if we can change you to the other therapist?"

"No, she's a bitch too, she's maybe even worse. They all do it, Luke! All of it is so fucking sick, they're not helping the people who actually need help, and they're wasting recourses on people who don't need them." I grumble, and Luke sighs.

"You're cussing, Scarlett. I mean it, knock that shit off. You know why." Luke gives me his best threatening look. "And I don't know what to tell you. I can't do anything about it. But you have to go see mr. styles whether you like it or not."

"Fine. But you can't make me talk to him." I say childishly, crossing my arms.

"Scarlett, you're only making it harder on yourself. If you don't talk he can take away privileges for not cooperating, you know that. Please just try to play along? You don't have to tell him anything real, but try not to get in trouble. Makes my life harder too." Luke attempts to reason with me, and I groan.

"Whatever." I mumble and we finally make it to the lunch hall. Luke and I both grab a tray and fill it with whatever mediocre food they have today, which is in fact pizza.

I try to hold back my smirk as I realize that with the greasy food, I may be able to escape a therapy session.

Luke and I eat our lunch in silence and I make sure to eat slowly to hold off my session and make my story believable, and when I'm done, I fake a pout and a groan, running a hand through my hair.

"Alright, rosy, lets go. I'll be waiting outside for you if that makes you feel any better, alright?" Luke says when he returns to me after dumping both our trays.

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