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"Baby?" Luke calls into the room cautiously. I don't want to deal with him, still upset, even though it's been days, so I just pretend to be asleep. He sighs and comes over, kneeling next to the bed- my face is turned the other way, so he can't see me- and rests his hand on my back, rubbing gently. "I'm so fucking stupid." He mutters, and I silently agree in my head.

"Rosy, princess, it's time to wake up, baby. Dinner time, Cmon." He calls gently and I groan.

"I'm not hungry, leave me alone." I grumble and he sighs.

"You hardly ate at lunch sweet pea, and besides, I'm not even really allowed to let you skip dinner so Cmon. I can bring it to you if you'd like? And we can just eat in here by ourselves?" He offers.

"I definitely don't want to do that." I huff and stand up, marching to the door and waiting for him to open it and then silently following him to the cafeteria, where I again silently pick at my food.

"Rosy, please eat, you need food." He sighs and I glare at him. "I know what I said was wrong and horrible and I'm really sorry I hurt you, I wasn't thinking and I shouldn't have said anything like that and I'll never hurt you again. You know I care about you and I don't really believe that and I can't tell you how sorry I am and how stupid I feel. And you have every right to be upset, but please, please stop being mad at me." Luke whispers and I clench my jaw, standing with my tray and throwing the remainder of my food away, waiting for Luke to come unlock the cafeteria door with his key card so I can go back to my room. With a sigh, he does so, throwing away his food as well.

"Honey, please, I didn't mean it."

"You wouldn't have said it if you weren't thinking it." I grumble quietly, feeling tears sting my eyes.

"You know i don't-"

"I wanna go talk to mr. Styles." I cut him off and he frowns.

"Y-you do?" He asks and I nod, sniffling and wiping a tear off my cheek.

"I- Scarlett if you're thinking about trying to tell on me or something- I could get in trouble- which I know I deserve but baby really I didn't mean- and we wouldn't want to risk me getting reassigned-"

"You're just worried about your stupid job and your stupid grades, you don't care about me or whether or not you stay assigned to me. You probably wish you would get transferred if it wouldn't get put on your record so you don't have to deal with my spoiled, childish, delusional ass, don't you?! Just let me talk to mr. Styles!" I argue, sobbing and covering my face.

"Roast you know that's not true! Baby please, I really think we should talk about this before-" he reaches out, trying to hug me, and I bat his hand away.

"Don't touch me!" I yell and he cringes.

"Scarlett stop! Okay?! I'll get Harry, just don't yell, someone will hear." He grumbles, running his hands over his face.

I sniffle and ignore him as he stands, and I can feel his eyes on me as he pauses before leaving the room, and I hear the lock click.

I lay back and wait, wondering if mr. Styles is coming. Maybe he's with someone and will be a while.

It's about ten minutes before there's a knock and mr. Styles is gently opening the door.

"Scarlett? Luke said you asked to see me?" He says gently as he steps in and I sit up.

"What's going on?" He asks and I sniffle.

"Lukes trying to get me to forgive him and he's making me upset." I mumble and he nods.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asks, gesturing towards the bed, and I nod and scoot over.

"What is Luke doing to make you upset?" He asks and he gently wraps a hand around my waist. I sniffle and lean into him a bit.

Asylum LHحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن