chapter two, max

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"Hey wake up, lazy ass!"

I felt someone shaking my shoulders and I look up to that boy with those emerald eyes again. I yawned in confusion and as I could manage to a bit of a mumble. "Muh?" I rubbed my eyes as he began to speak. "Look, David made some arrangements," He then looked at the ground with a somewhat pissed facial expression. "And turns out you'll be sharing a tent with me. While Neil gets to have his 'own space' or whatever the fuck he meant."

He got up from the ground as I did the same. "Oh it doesn't stop there either." He began to walk while gesturing me to follow him so I complied. "After me, Nikki, and Nail crashed the bus again," So that's what 'again' meant I then nodded in response waiting for him to continue. "David told me to wake you up and drag your lazy ass to our fucking tent."

I look up to realize that it is pretty dark outside. "That sucks." I say giving a chuckle to understand that he was dealing with a total mess of a person at this point. "Tell me about it." He then rolls her eyes as he opens the tent flap. "Home sweet home, huh?" I nod as I wait for him to say more. "Gah, right. Lefts mine, rights yours." I plaster on a little smile as he says that.

He leaves me to go to my cot. I realize I don't know his name or anything as I began to sit down. "What's your name?" I ask titling my head slightly. "Max." He simply says annoyed that I even ask. I smile once again and nod. "Y/N." I then cuddle up in my blankets and Max then leaves the tent. That leaves me to question where he went.

Going back to the topic of my first day at camp.
Today wasn't so bad. It wasn't as tiring as I thought it would be.

I just hope tomorrow will be okay. At least make a friend or two. I tug on my pillow drifted deeper into my thoughts.

I don't wanna be lonely again, right? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try and be social for once. I sigh and simply loosen my grip on the pillow and close my eyes. And before I knew it I was asleep.


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word count = 417

a little lonely (max x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant