chapter eight, eaten

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"Ah, Y/N what camp did you sign up for?" David seems to be overly joyful so I give him a little smile as I scratch the back of my head. "Oh that, I've never signed up for a-anything."

My parents just wanted me gone. I can't blame them either. They see me as useless. And that's just what I am-

"That's okay!" David looked at me with a censored smile. Was it that obvious? Max tugs on my shirt. "Looks like I'll be seeing you guys later then!" He waves off to us and keeps a smile on his face as Max drags me away.  "Maxi-" Turning towards me, Max meets my eyes and he cuts me off. "Fuck." He lets go as that girl with puffy pigtails is running towards us with a brown curly haired boy following be hide that I'm now guessing are Nikki and Neil. "You must be Y/N!" I nod in response and give her a little smile.

"Max hasn't been all grumpy has he?" That leading to Max huffing as I just seem to smile. "Maybe, just maybe, a little.." Nikki giggles and nudges my shoulder.

"We were just leaving-" Max is cut off before he could finish. Everyone started heading towards to mess hall, was it lunch time?

Nikki then started walking in the direction of the mess hall. "Come on guys!" She gestured for us to follow.

"This is just a waste of time," I looked toward Max as he continues. "I don't even eat this shit!" It was cute how he got annoyed easily but, what he was saying was true. I mean who eats this mush besides Nikki?

"At least, they could give us something editable." Neil watched as Max jabbed at his tray with his fork. "Aw, come on guys! It's not that bad." Max pushed his tray towards Nikki and stood up. "Max, why are you going?" Neil turned to face Max once again. "Anywhere but here." Max then left out the door.

"Should I go follow him?" I turned to Neil. I think he could tell I was worried. "I guess so, you know, to make sure he doesn't get eaten or anything." I smile and stand up not worrying about my tray. I'm sure Nikki will finish it, she is the only one that seems to like the food here. I headed for the door to follow Max.

Max grabbed my hand after I walked through the door. "Come on." He must have known I would have followed him. Max was leading me back to the tent. And his grip wasn't as tight.

Was something wrong?


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word count = 463

a little lonely (max x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt