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Hey guys. Sorry for being away for a while. I've been super busy with life but I'm on summer break now so I will update more often! Before I start I want to say everybody go sign the online petition for a Never Fade movie and I also want to give a huge shoutout to @sophie4t for voting on every chapter and leaving me comments! This chapter is based off a suggestion they left me on the previous chapter so this idea is not mine and I highly suggest you read the original comment! Thank you again for all the reads. <3 Also anybody get the st reference in chapter 10? The name of the chapter is killing me


Sweetie, you will be fine, You have dealt with far worse things than riding a damn bus home for one single day. You never know, you might even see a friend on there! Or even better, Make a new one! Good luck!

They were the last words she said before she hung up on me. My own mother for god's sake! Can't even offer support for her daughter about to go through a traumatic experience. When I need therapy for what I'm about to endure. She will have no one to blame but herself.

I waited outside the bus pick up zone for what felt like forever. Keeping my head down and avoiding eye contact with anybody that looked at me. Eventually, the sound of gravel being ran over was heard as the bus pulled up beside me and all the other kids that were waiting. The bus's door slowly opened and kids quickly started to pool inside. 

After the main crowd of kids had gotten on I hopped onto the bus and searched the handful of teens for a friendly face. I immediately saw Vida and Jude sitting together talking. I walked up to them and smiled 'Hey Ruby!' Jude exclaimed. Vida looked up and kept her lips in a solid line. 'Boy scout is sitting over there if you want to sit with him' That was all she said to me before she stuck her head back down into her phone. Boy scout? Who is that? I looked in the direction that Vida had pointed in and I saw Liam sitting by himself, staring out the window. As I started to get closer to him he looked me directly in the eye and a smile came across his face. He waved and moved his bag as I sat down next to him.

'Hi. Sorry.' I started to apologize as Liam cut me off. 'It's fine, really.' What did I do to deserve such a good friend? Things on the bus where awkward to say the least with him trying to start small talk every now and then. There were a bunch of slightly older kids making a lot of noise behind us so I turned around and saw a few guys playing with a football. The one who was currently holding it I noticed looked a lot like Liam. The guy went to throw the football to his friend before looking at the back of Liam's head and smirked. The ball left his hands and connected with Liam's head. 'What.. The fuck?' I heard him say before slowly turning around. 'Cole Stewart. You are an asshole.' That explains a lot then.

'So that guy is your.. brother?' Liam turned to face me and I noticed his cheeks were quite red. 'Uh. yeah. He's an ass though.' I couldn't help but laugh which made him turn even redder than before. I looked out the window and recognized the neighborhood. Crap. This is my stop. I quickly got up and told the driver to stop. I quickly said goodbye to Liam. I turned around one more time to see Cole punch Liam's shoulder and point in my direction. I quickly ran to the nearest exit and jumped off. I am so going to sue my mother if she makes me do that again.

Oof sorry for the short chapter but I was out of ideas. Should I continue this story? suggestions open. What should I write next? Also. If you like Stranger Things please read my new story The Adventures Of The Harrington Family. Its about Steve and his kids. Again thank you to everybody who read. I did not expect to get this many reads (Nearly 1000!!!) Thank you again to sophie4t for suggesting this chapter. <3

What if || Rubiam auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora