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I am eating lunch with my friends and dance troupe Grant,Jake,Violet,Gaby,Lila and Oliver. But in my dance troupe we go by our undercover names ladybug/Marinette Dragon/Grant,Gecko/Jake, Pixi/Violet ,Mouse/Gaby, Volpina/Lila and Hawkmoth/Oliver so fame doesn't affect our daily lives. We were sitting at our normal table talking about our regionals competition when Oliver got a call.
"Sorry have to take this" he said getting up walking to the hall. When he got back he look like he was at a loss for words.
He sat down and I asked," Hey Oli you okay?"
"Yes I got something to tell you guys" he said everyone got nervous,"I got a call from the sectionals Jugde and its not good news" he said looking saddened everyone else frowned,"Its great news" he said getting up smiling.
"We made it we are going to sectionals" I said jumping up freaking out. Everyone else cheered.
"One step closer to nationals"

🐈*Le time skip brought to you by a tiny chatnoir* 🐈

Later when I got home I ran up to my quite small room. I laid my head down on my pillow and internally freak our about sectionals.
"HUNNY CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE!" Momma yelled from down stairs.
When I reached the bottom of my stairs momma and papa looked at me nervously but full of sadness.
"What going on momma"
"Hunny we have some bad news" my dad spoke," We have are leaving California to go to Paris for my and mommas work"
Tears started brimming in my eyes it stun a little bit.
"What?! WE CAN'T MY FRIENDS MY LIFE" I said starting to scream a little bit,"WE JUST GOT INTO SECTIONALS"
"I am sorry sweetie but we have to we have no other choice its to expensive here" my mother said," We are leaving tomorrow so start packing"
I run up to my room and slam my door because there is no use arguing they wouldn't change their minds.I go onto my laptop and facetime my troupe they all answered and I told them everything.
After I told them they looked sad but there was this hint of relief on all of there faces like they were faking being sad. I looked over at Oliver because he is the leader of the troupe.xhh Come ffff6f day dreaming f
"I am sorry Marinette but you are out"
Those words rang into my head as tears started steaming down my face. One bye one the all log65 I couldn't because I had to pack. So I got up and took a shower. On the shower I closed my eyes and started day dreaming of nationals but to my surprise I didn't see Excess I saw different people on stage with me. I saw a boy with blonde hair and a black mask on with cat ears, the patterns on him glowed green. There was a girl with brown, orange and white ombre hair pulled into a high pony she wore a orange mask her patterns glowed orange. I looked to my right and saw a guy glowing blue and one glowing dark green then to my left was a girl glowing yellow the all had masks on. I looked down at my self and I glew red I realized I was dressed as ladybug. I heard the crowding screaming then I woke up. I was on the floor of the shower. I picked up my phone and checked the time and it was 2:30am 'holy shit' I thought to myself 'I slept like 9 hours I need to pack'.
I finally finished packing and I checked my phone the time read 6am I walked over to try to fall a sleep because I was leaving today.  

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