Chapter 16

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(Listen to this song for the first part of the chapter really got be in my feels so go right ahead if you dare to listen)

*3 weeks later*


not going to lie Emily has been acting very weird these last few weeks but i don't want to accuse her of something she's not doing but i don't know how to ask her why she's being to secretive about things, like going out of the room to answer phone calls, turning her phone away when she gets texts, and she changed her password on her phone and i don't wanna just go straight to the point in asking her if she's cheating but then again it's maybe what's best.

just then Emily walks in on her phone per usual.

"hey babe" i say to her trying to get her attention

"oh hi what's up" she says putting her phone down

"i have something to ask you"

"okay shoot"

"it's been on my mind for a while now and i'm just going to say it, because if i hold it in it's going to give me more anxiety then i already have, so i feel like you're cheating on me or something i don't know but if you are talking to other girls tell me because i wanna know and don't want to be lead on because you know i hate that and i've told you about it before, and you're always on your phone and taking secret phone calls and won't show me your messages anymore and you changed your password, and i feel like i'm just with you to pass time and i'm not even your girlfriend, and i'm just a thing in your life that's just getting in the way of everything, i mean we don't even cuddle anymore it's just a kiss goodbye or a kiss hello, we don't even talk for long either and i get if your sick of me and want me gone out of this house if it's effecting our relationship" i say tears coming out of my eyes taking deep breaths so i don't have a full on breakdown and panic

"i just want to know now then later" i add letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding in

Emily didn't say anything she just looked at me with her mouth slightly open like she was going to say something but she didn't.

"please say something" i say quietly

"okay hear me ou-" she starts

"so you have been cheating on me.. oh my god" i say crying more

"i didn't intend to it just happened, i didn't mean for it to happen i swear baby forgive me" she says trying to get me to forgive her

"what's her name" i question tears running down my face

"what?" she says confused

"i said what's her name Emily did i stutter?" i said now almost yelling

"her name is Amelia" she said under her breath

"is she prettier then me? what can she give you that i can't huh, am i not good enough for you?, am i just a waste of space to you, why, why did you cheat, what did i do so wrong to make you cheat on me tell me" i said yelling trying to contain my tears but it wasn't working well because more and more tears kept coming

"why would you say that Alison, just because i made one mistake why would you think that your beautiful as it is already" she says

"clearly not enough if you cheated, and cheating isn't a mistake it's a choice Emily" i say walking out of the door

"baby please don't go" she says trying to grab my hand

"don't fucking touch me" i say with anger taking my hand away

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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