Chapter two

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I didn't know what to say. I don't think that I could have said anything had I wanted to. Thoughts were rushing around in my head. There were only two that had any prominence.

One: This talking, thinking, alive robot was going to kill me.

Two: I had basically told said robot about my love life.

"Don't talk." He glared at me for good measure. I wasn't going to talk anyway. "As you already know, my name is Foxy." I just stared, waiting for him to continue. "Here's the deal. The others are growing restless. There hasn't been a security guard here for quite some time. They need some sort of motivation at night. They haven't had anyone at night to... play with."

My skin was growing cold, a nervous sweat forming. I didn't like where this was going. Did this mean that the others were like Foxy?

"If you cooperate, I might tell the others that they can't kill you." My eyes grew wide. "At least not for a few weeks. That way, they have someone they can play with for a long time."

I pointed to my mouth. He sighed. "Yes, you can talk now."

"Is that what happened to all of the other security guards?" My voice was soft. I was honestly terrified.

"Well, at least I know you can put two and two together."

"Hey!" Without thinking, I allowed the words to come out. I crossed my arms. "I'm not stupid, I was just looking for conformation." However, the look in his one visible eye had me backing down. "Sorry."

He removed the hook from my side, only to put it around my neck. "Forgiven. For now." He held the hook there, letting me know that if I raised my voice again, he would have no problem in slitting my throat.

"W-what happened to them?" I asked softly.

"Don't look inside of the extra suits." He laughed. I shuddered.

"What do I have to do?" My voice was barely a whisper.

He removed the hook from around my neck and put it back against my side. "Good girl." He patted my head. I resisted the urge to yell at him. I was not an animal! "Now, I want you to tell me your address first."

I stared at him in shock. He seemed to understand my silent question.

"In case you don't show up. Its silly how people think we can't leave this building. If you don't show up here, we show up at your house. Got it?"

My face paled. I had been planning on leaving here and never coming back. But now he was making me tell him my address.

I stuttered it out. His mouth twisted into a grin.

"Wonderful. Now go ask the owner for the job. Chances are, he will hire you right away."

I nodded, and went to pull away from him, but he held me fast.

"One more thing. Since we aren't going to kill you when we catch you for a while, we have to think of another punishment. Since usually its me or Freddy catching the security guards, we will be the ones to think of it."

"C-can I go now?" I was shaking. He finally released me. I quickly grabbed all of my things and ran into the party room.

Five Nights at Freddy's (Foxy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now