Almost Scarred

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Nicole POV

"Ugh I can't wait to get a car" I muttered to myself as I speed walked through the cold Brooklyn hood well after nine at night.

It ain't the safest thing to do there are gang bangers and thrifling niggers at every corner of these streets waiting to sink their teeth into their next victim. But I needed the extra hours at work so that I can help support my grandmother.

We've been all each other got since my mom passed away when I was three, and my gramma took me in her house and took care of me like I was her child. I never knew my dad.

I be dammed if I ever be victim to any of these corner thugs antics knowing my gramma needs me.

I clutched my khaki knee length trench coat closer to my body as I walked past a broken down wooden house two minutes away from my Grammy's.

I picked up my pace as I glanced at an almost dilapidated house seeing about six dudes just hanging around smoking talking unnecessarily loud. Most houses in the hood were in poor condition, no light, proper running water or roofs with no leaks shit was terrible, but at least you got a place to call home.

"Ayo mami where you walking so quickly to!?"

"Need some company?"

I heard footsteps getting closer to me so I clutched my bag while trying to get my mace.

Before I can get a hold of my weapon my bag was yanked out of my hand and I was snatched up by another one of these low life.

"You ain't hear me talking to you bitch?" he barked breathing down my face I could smell all of his weeks contents on his tongue mixed up with weed and cheap booze.

I was frozen with fear as I looked down at my worn out winter boots I purchased at wallmart two winters ago. I remember at my college an officer came and spoke to my class and said if ever in a situation like this don't make eye contact and try your best not to piss the attacker off by screaming and fighting especially if you're not in a situation to overpower them, it heightens your chances of survival.

"Aye she ah pretty one huh Klark"

"We hit the jackpot boys", he paused and sniffed my neck and said "She smells nice too".

"Oh so you don't speak huh?" he paused grabbing my ass I jumped praying to God that I get out of this alive

"I'ma give you sumn to make you find yo voice" he flicked his tongue over my earlobe and I cringed.

They started laughing while tears cascaded down my cheeks as another one of the men rummaged through my bag probably looking for cash. Well jokes in him I don't have any.

"Aye Klark fuck is yall doing out here" a deep and slightly rugged voice sliced through the mens laughter.

Immediately I knew this dude held some kind of authority cause the dude Klark I suppose, stiffened as he held me and the others stopped laughing. I saw his Adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed hard. There was an immediate shift in the energy of the corner thugs. They went from predator to prey.

"B-black sir w-we just having a lil harmless fun nuh-nuhthin serious man...sir".

I was curious and scared I couldn't believe the notorious Black was in my presence I snuck a glance and damn he lived up to the hype I see why the girls act wild about him. I couldn't believe I'm thinking about this man looks when he might just leave me here or have them kill me. His reputation is ruthless in these streets.

He came out his white range rover and stood a couple feet away from where Klark was holding me.

Damn he's probably 6'4, dressed in a black turtle neck and a black trench coat, black true religion jeans that fell lowly at his waist not too much where he was giving a full on view of his backside but just enough sag that let you know he a thug, a big gold chain hung from his neck with a huge crown pendant on it he had on fresh black timbs, it had no creasing so it looked new to me with a beanie on his head tilted to the side exposing his big diamond earing in his left ear.

He stood next to another dude who came out the passenger side almost as tall as him dressed almost in the same attire minus the earing and alot of facial tattoos.

Black pulled a gun from his waist made two steps and pressed it at Klark's head who was still holding me "Gimme a reason to pull this trigger muthafucker".

Klark let me go expeditiously not wanting to loose his life and backed away from Black and me much to my relief.

"Yall pick all her shit up" he pointed to the other dudes who just stood there watching the scene unfold.

They handed me my bag and I hesitated to take it not because I was scared but because my nerves been rattled so badly I may just throw it down again.

"Go ahead take yo stuff ma they ain't gon do you shit" I nod my head in response and inhale and exhale to calm myself.

"Don't let me see yall round my streets harassing females fuck wrong with yall it got too much free pussy outchea to be tryna rape women, Klark you already on thin ice with us don't give us a reason to off you and your whole crew".

I took my things as tears still cascaded down my cheeks as I trembled shaken up by the events of five minutes ago and what could've happened.

"You live near here" Black asked as he approached me gun in his hand I watched it and backed up a bit. Seeing my discomfort he smirked a bit and put the gun back in his waist.

"Y-yea just three houses down" I said wiping my face

"Well I'd walk you to your house" he turned to the dude he was standing with and Said

"Aye yo Bull take my truck and tail us I'm bout to walk shorty home"

"Got you man" Bull said as he walked off into the direction of the vehicle an all white range rover tinted too dark to be legal but I guess the law don't apply to you when you the biggest drug Lord New York ever seen.

"Mind telling me what you doing out in these streets by yourself ma, don't you know it's dangerous in the hood this time of night" Black asked breaking through the silence as we walked towards my residence.

"Y-yea I know of the dangers but I been doing this for a while I guess I got comfortable and well I got off of work late"

"Don't ever get comfortable nowhere that ain't your home that's exactly how niqqas catch you slipping an take advantage of you"

"Thanks for helpin me" I whispered as we neared my house

"No need to thank me".

"Oh O-okay" I stammered out stealing a glance at him. I really just wanted to go home and wash off tonight's events, kiss my grammy and wrap myself up in my bed and sleep.

We walked in silence after that until I got to grammy's.

"Right here" I said just above a whisper as we reached the house I guess he heard me cause he stopped.

"You never told me your name" he said staring into my eyes I had to look away it made me feel as though he was looking into my soul.

"Nicole" I whispered out.

He lifted my chin up with his hand forcing me to make eye contact.

"Say that again"

"Nicole" I repeated a little louder staring him in his eyes.

"That's better and aye don't look away when you talking especially to me always look me in the eye always"

I nodded and looked away quickly making my way up the front porch. When I made it inside I peeped through the blinds to see the range just pulling off with Kairo inside I guess he waited for me to get inside.

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