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Tim's pov:

I woke up fixed breakfast and ate. before i knew it I was out the door. I had received the txt and the plan was in motion. I was to go across the street from the doctors office and when she texts me that she is leaving the office I am to cross the street and accidentally bump into her so that she could drop everything in her hands. thats when I'll make the move and pick up the cup. ill help her gather the rest up and smile shake her hand and leave. im not going to lie I am so nervous...not only about determining the father but the whole shebang. here I am waiting across the street and waiting patiently.

Faiths pov:

I was dressed and out the door. I got to the office. told her my situation and that I did not want anyone to know especially the press. she's great at keeping things between her and her clients so im not super worried. just normal pregnant worried.. I got the cup and started to leave. I txted tim. here I am about to walk out the door and get 'hit' by a man. *bam!* he hit me. "oh im sorry Faith." its fine Tim." he grabbed the cup and then helped me get the rest of my purse back together. we stood up smiling abnormally. he shook my hand then walked away waving. I went to my car then sent him a text. it read: 'awesome! I dont think anyone really suspected anything. ill meet you at you studio in a half an hour to get the cup back.' he replied "alright darlin'." it was great that tim was his own manager cause on his days off the studio crew gets the day off as well and that's why I chose to meet him there...on his off day.

30min Tim's studio...

Tim's pov:

Holy moly she was glowing. she looked so good walking up to the door. I was leaning against the front desk right inside the door looking outside the tinted glass door. she couldn't see in but I could see out.. she walked right in and i smiled at her. she leaned on me giving me one of the biggest kisses that acrually felt meaningful that ive had from her since this whole affair started. She whispered 'i will die if its not yours' then kissed me two quick times. I then told her that I would do the same. she leaned right next to me against the desk. I asked her: seriously what if it is his? ...."we will jump from that bridge when we get to it but for now lets enjoy each other." I turned to her, walked over and locked the door. then stepped right in front of her. I put my hands on her waist and picked her up, setting her up on the desk. I started kissing her then eventually we were lying down on it making out when she pushed me away from her lips and said "he slapped me l as t night.. I was so scarred" oh my god! faith you need to press charges. "...and this morning he found out that I'm pregnant.." what?! this whole affair is gona surface before we know it. Did he apologize for hitting you since he now knows that you are? "no" why did I even ask. That assh*le. I rubbed her cheek saying: I wish you didnt have to put up with him then proceeded to kiss her. she started unbuttoning my shirt then she made it down to my pants. I gave her the look of 'right here? on the desk?' she shook her head yes and we continued.

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