Did someone say cookies (Chapter 1)

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The seagulls are doing what I think Max does when she sees cookies. 😆

Max Pov:

I was with the flock talking to Fang when Ella called me on the new phone that Dr. Martine gave me. I told Fang and Ella to hold on for a second, then I called out to the flock "Ella is on the phone." They gathered around me and I put the phone on speaker. I said "Ok your on speaker, now shoot."

Ella said "There is a HUGE cookie contest at Goode school in New York, and mom us three tickets so we could go together. We wanted to get enough for all of the flock, but there were no extra tickets. Instead we got the flock a once in a lifetime trip to Alaska. What do you say"

I responded "Did you say cookies?"

Fang laughed, and said "Well Max is sold. I think it sounds like fun as long as there aren't any erasers, what does everyone else say?"

Everyone said it would be fun and nice to take a break, so we agreed despite some protesting (planes aren't enjoyable for us) to meet go to the airport where we will split up. Max would go to New York where Ella and Dr. Martine will be waiting, well the rest of the flock will go to Alaska and meet up with their tour guild. Ella and I were definitely the most excited for the trip.

Fang Pov:

I was happy for Max, but I didn't really want to let her go to New York alone. I didn't tell her and now I have a bad feeling that I should have.

Hello. My first chapter of the story. This is my first story and I two some questions

1) How do you go back and edit the story

2)What do votes mean

Also please don't email me as I won't ever look at it.

Thanks, whoever reads this.

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