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"Excitement" was an understatement in describing how Jolt felt and behaved as he shifted back and forth on his feet like a human child waiting for their Christmas present. His optics were as bright as could be, and the smile on his face was nothing short of adorable. It was an amusing sight to see, to say the least, and Catherine got quite the kick out of it from her spot on Sideswipe's shoulder, whom was equally bemused by the Autobot medic-and-apparently-inventor's mannerism. The only one not sharing in the humor was Ratchet and Prime; the former of which was trying to keep him calm, and the later waiting silently for the newest innovation made by the Autobots' Chief Medical Officer and his student to be complete. It had been about a breem now since Prime had arrived—whom was the only one really needed for the display— and he was only a little agitated about having being kept longer than he was meant to.

Unfortunately, delays had come about when Ratchet discovered a tiny problem and forced the electric-blue mech to work on it and make sure there weren't anymore. Jolt fixed the initial problem easily enough, and it was around then that the redhead and silver mech had strolled in. They had done so intending to get their daily "bond-scan"—as Catherine and Sideswipe had come to call it—even though it had been about eight months since the event that had blocked the bond. The chief medic was keen on making sure there wasn't going to be any long term effects, though, so they'd continuously come in the first day of every month. Evidently Ratchet had forgotten to inform them of Jolt's science project, so they had been allowed to become audience for.

"So... Almost done over there, Ratchet?" Catherine called out, and the medic turned on her with such a venomous glare she had to throw her arms up in defense. Sideswipe helped by turning slightly so she was out of direct sight.

"Geez, mech! Don't kill her, will ya?" he scoffed, and the medic turned his optics on the silver mech, whom cringed.

"Hush," he hissed, and both quieted. However, in the midst of the silence, Optimus chuckled. It had been stifled a little, but it was still there, and the bonded pair grinned at him. He ignored their looks—he couldn't let it be known he had been amused—but they still snickered amongst themselves. Thankfully, the Doctor of Doom was distracted as he forced Jolt's attention back fully on the device and had him mend another part. Before he could make another suggestion, though, the electric blue lifted it up and turned to his small audience, beaming with pride.

"May I present to you our latest invention: the Healing Laser!" he cried, hoisting the gun-shaped medical tool up into his arms. It was incredibly ironic how a tool meant for healing looked uncannily like a weapon meant to blow a hole through someone. Needless to say, it made Catherine raise a brow at the mech as he adjusted the settings, which, he explained, would vary depending on the degree of injury.

"Jolt, put it back down! We aren't finished with it yet!" Ratchet growled, grasping the weapon, but his student kept a hold of it.

"It's fine! I checked it while I did that last mend. You're just being paranoid!" he huffed, tugging it back towards his chassis. Catherine and Sideswipe looked at another. Jolt had never argued openly with his teacher—especially not in front of the Commander. It was both shocking and highly amusing to watch the two bicker for what had to be the first time in their lives. Prime, however, was not amused as his metal brows narrowed and he frowned a little. The two medics remained unaware, though; continuing to pull the device back and forth.

"Jolt. I am ordering you, as Chief Medical Officer, to relieve the healing unit!" the lime-green medic growled, tugging the tool harder.

His student pulled it back, "Sorry, sir, but I will not! Now let me show them how it works!"

"Man, I can't believe they're fighting," Sideswipe snickered.

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