Chapter. 17. Death?

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Harry POV)

"NOOOO!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

But just then the gun had fired. I ran towards A lifeless Steffi on the ground and held her to my chest, "Harry tell Hayes I Love Him." She said then knocked out. I felt a bit jealous.. Ya I know I'm 20 she is 13 ew, but I have something special with her..

I was crying and held Steffi to my chest.

Marlee and everyone else was on their knees crying. I held Steffi to my chest more. "Love you." I whispered.

Aly called 911. The cops showed up and took Steffi away in the ambulance.

We got to the hospital, I ran into the room Steffi was in. I ran next to her bed and held her hand. Hayes ran into the room with tears in his eyes I looked at him. "Steffi's last words before she knocked out were Tell Hayes I Love Him." I told him. He smiled a small smile but then he saw a lifeless Steffi on the bed, he started crying. He fell to the floor, oh crap.. He fainted!

Marlee POV)

Oh my god. I ran to Cams room and told him everything he started crying again. I told everyone the story and such. A nurse came in and said they are taking Steffi into surgery right now. They don't know if she will make it.

I nodded and ran out the room. Niall followed, "look this is NOT your fault.. I know you are thinking it." He said the last part quietly. He was right i did think this was my fault. I hugged him tightly.

I ran out of the hospital room and into the one Steffi is in. Or was.. I entered and Hayes was on the floor cautious. Harry was trying to get him up and Steffi was in surgery.

I went to Hayes and helped lift him up onto Harry's shoulder. Harry took him into the room where Cam was he set him in a chair.

I sat in a chair in Steffi's room. Harry said he got everyone to come in here so that we can know the news all together.

So Cam came in in a wheelchair, other than that Everybody was here, we had to lift Hayes's chair to get him in here since he is still cautious.

I giggled at him. He can't live without her, they Need each other. Like how I need Niall. Wait what!?? Why am I thinking Niall! I don't even know if Cam an I are a thing or not..

My thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face. "Hey, want me to get you a drink?" Niall asked, I nodded and he left.

I looked back at Hayes and he was getting up. "Will she be ok?" He asked on the edge of tears. I frowned, I really don't know. "Ya, she will she is strong.. Right?" Matt asked on the edge of tears too. Harry was crying, Hayes was crying and Matt was. Hmmm.. I think Harry likes her.

I mean Matt does.. Hayes Loves her.. But what does Harry? "I can't even think of a life without her." Hayes said quietly. I went over to him and held his hand.

He looked up a me. "She is strong." I said quietly. He nodded and looked down at his hands. "Do you think Harry likes her? I mean I know Matt does.. But what about Mr. British?" Hayes asked, I laughed at the name for Harry.

"I don't know." I said truthfully. He nodded, "we were talking at the table before you poured stuff on the waitress.. I asked her who would she date out of One Direction if she wasn't with me.. And she said Harry." He said.

"Well.. She is a Directioner.. In case you didn't know and Harry is her Favorite one." I said, he sighed and nodded. "I think you two are fine though. Trust me you two are the cutest couple I know of!" I said trying to cheer him up.

He smiled, "really?" I nodded, "yes really." I said nodding. He smiled.

I saw Harry sitting near Matt. Talking to him.

Hayes POV)

I hope she is ok. I wouldn't be able To live without her. Literally she means everything to me. I really hope Harry doesn't like her.. I know he could win her over easily, I mean the British accent gets her going. She always tries to talk British. She fails though, I find it adorable.

I looked up to see Harry talking to Matt. I listened to what they were saying "I hope she is ok." Harry said Matt nodded, they both started crying. I pray she Is ok too. Harry stood up and walked to the paper towels and dabbed his eyes.

Every one was back in the room as we were just sitting there waiting.

Just then the nurse came in and she had a sad Expression on her face.

"We have some Bad News"


Hey guys! :) I start school tomorrow! 😩 wish me luck?? Please? Anyways I can't believe school is already here!! But I PROMISE that I will update As Much As Possible !!! :) I have to go.. So I'll update later though! :D bye luvs 😚 ~Steffi

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