Anger issues

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(Omg! Were nearing 400 reads! yey! thanks for reading guys and gals! Warning: jealousy incoming! XD)

"I-I just, I don't get it!!!" a frustrated Joker spoke running his hands through his messy green hair.

"I don't blame you, its a tough riddle." Ed leaned against the wall next to his bed.

"Not the riddle! You idiot!"

"Woah! That was harsh! I'll have you know I'm higher than you in class ranking!" Ed shouted, highly offended by the accusation of being an idiot.

"She hasn't talked to me, hell she won't even look at me! I don't get it! Its been like a month!!!"

"Oh, your still on about that. First of all, Joker, you broke up with her three days ago, it's been nowhere near a month." Exhaled Ed, "And can you blame her? You kinda broke her heart, and shallowly dumped her through a note. Which is normal for you but you've never reacted like this when all your other ex's gave you the cold shoulder."

Jokers hands were shaking rapidly, "I know! But Why!? Why? Why is this so different?!!"

"Maybe you still like her!" Ed gave of a 'duh' tone while he said it. He noticed Jokers hands shaking, "Joker?" he started cautiously. "When did you last take your meds?"

Joker gave him a jittery and eerie laugh, "That depends, which ones?"

"Not this again," Ed mumbled to himself nervously. "Joker, you need to take your medication. Where is it?" He tried to stay as calm as possible.

"Try the plumbing." Joker laughed. The bell rang for dinner, "Sounds like the dinner bell, well, best be off!" Joker bolted out the door with Ed running after him. They rammed into several people down the hallway with Joker yelling out, "Out of the way crazy clown comin' through!" Lucky for Joker he was able to catch the elevator down, leaving poor Eddie to run down 4 flights of stairs. Joker had just gotten to ground level as soon as Eddie did, as soon as joker saw him he darted to the school building entrance, then Joker started to announce it like the chase was a race. "And Jokers in the lead and following close behind is the Riddler! Joker rams into that guy, then he pushes that girl into the lockers.." Joker grabs a guys book from him, "Hey Nigma! I think it's time I threw the book at you!" and he did throw the book, at Eddies legs, causing him to trip and fall flat on his face. "And it's Joker by a mile!" Joker yelled as he triumphantly entered the cafeteria.

And sitting right across the room was Harley along with Ivy and Selena and...some guy with his arm around Harley. If looks could kill that guy would have died right there. And if there was a genuine way to explain furious Joker was that explanation. Johnathan noticed Joker standing in the middle of the room glaring at Harley and the guy, "This is probably a dumb question but are you alright?"

Eddie finally caught up "No he's not," he panted and saw what Joker was staring at, "shit." Joker moved forward, dead set on his path. John and Ed didn't dare to try and stop him. He walked straight up to the table and sat down next to the guy. "So what are we talking about!?" he said cheerfully. The table went dead silent, "Hey, I'm Jack Rider!" said the now named guy. "I'm Harley's boyfriend!" before Joker could react Harley interfered, "No he's not. He wishes." Harley didn't even glance Jokers way.

"Great, so Jack you don't mind if I borrow this fork do you?" Joker innocently asked. Jack shrugged not letting his arm leave around Harley's shoulders. Joker took the fork smiling, then stabbed it in Jacks hand on the table. Jack shrieked in pain, Joker slammed his head on the table and pinned his head there. The girls jumped at the sudden change of pace but decided not to get in Jokers way. Joker whispered in his ear so only he could hear, "Touch her again and that fork goes through your head!" then Joker got up and left as if nothing ever happened. Harley sat there for a moment astonished, but it quickly turned into rage. If he was so bothered with seeing her with someone else why'd he break up with her in the first place?!

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