Gotham High North: Home to goodie Two shoes

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(OK, so in case it wasn't obvious by the title, we're not in the Gotham high we've come to know. We are in Gotham High North. Where we'll now meet the ever intriguing Bruce Wayne and the twofaced Harvey Dent! I know! I know! It's about time! But I'm doing it now!)

"Bruce? Bruce!? Come on were gonna be late! Where are you?!" Harvey called out for his best friend Bruce Wayne. Bruce appeared behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Gah! Gosh! Bruce, you need a bell!"

Bruce smirked, "You'd be surprised how many times I've been told that."

"Come on we're gonna be late, lateness doesn't go well for voters!" Harvey smiled and they began walking to class.

"How's the campaign going by the way? " asked Bruce.

"Good but Thorne and Falcone are right behind me, now I need to make sure I just don't slip up."

"Don't worry Harv I'm sure you're gonna win!"

"Thanks, Bruce I hope your right. Voting ends today thankfully. And you just might be looking at your new student body President!" The bell rang, they looked at each other and ran for their class. After school Bruce was waiting outside just as Alfred pulled up in the limo. Asked stepped out and opened the door, "Did we have a good day Master Bruce?"

"As good as school could get, Alfred." Bruce stepped into the limo, Alfred was about to shut the door when Harvey came running up calling to Bruce. "Hello, Mister Dent." Alfred greeted.

"Hi Alfred! Bruce, I won! Their announcing the winner tomorrow!"

"That's great Harv!"

"Well done Mister Dent!"

"Thanks! Well I'm having a last minute celebration, wanna come? It starts at 7."

"I might stay an hour or two. Alfred's become a stickler for how late I'm out." Bruce smirked.

"OK well I'll see you later Bruce!"

"Bye Harv." Bruce called out as the door closed. Alfred nodded at Harvey and went to the drivers seat and drove off. Harvey waved as the limo left, and started asking around if people wanted to go to his party. Nothing could diminish the happiness in Harvey except maybe Rupert Thorne and Carmine Falcone. "So are we invited?" Carmine asked, already knowing the answer would be no.

"No, your not." Harvey stated forcefully. Rupert put his hand to his heart as if it had broke, "I'm crushed!" he laughed, and held out his hand. "No hard feelings?" Harvey stared at his hand for a moment, surprised by the act of maturity, he reluctantly shook his hand. "You have a nice party Harv, I hope it's a blast." The way Carmine said that as he left, it sent chills up Harvey's spine. What did he mean by that?

Later it came time for the party, Bruce was last to show up. "Hey, Harv! Sorry I'm late. I brought you something." he held out a present box.

"Bruce, you didn't have to get me anything.... what did you get?!" he grabbed the box from Bruce.

"Open it after your party."


"Just do it."

"Fine!" Harvey whined. "Well come on in." Something crashed in the living room. Harvey ran to the sound, "What happened?!" It was an antique vase with a beautiful pattern on it, and it was part of his mom's collection. The computer stood there smiling and trying to hold back his laughter, "Dude, did you see my backflip of your couch! It was totally sick!" he held up his hand for a high five. Harvey was pure rage, "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!!!"

"Woah, dude chill." he placed his hand on Harvey's shoulder. Harvey punched him, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" The guy and his friends ran out. The room was dead silent for a room that had about 50 people there. Harvey realised how he looked and shook his head, "I - I'm sorry, excuse me." he walked swiftly to the bathroom.

He closed the door and locked it. He turned on the faucet and splashed some water on his face. Then he heard a voice, "Your pathetic."

Harvey looked up, "Y-you!"

"Yeah, me. You tried to get rid of me! Well you CAN'T!! Big Bad Harv is here to stay! PERMANENTLY!!!!"

There was a knock at the door, "Harvey? Are you alright?" it was Bruce.

"Yeah, I'm OK. Just give me a sec."

"OK Harv." Bruce left.

"What a dope!"

"Leave Bruce alone. I know your upset with me-"


Harvey became increasingly frustrated and punched the mirror. It cracked and the reflection of Harvey was distorted. Harvey walked out of the bathroom. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the scene earlier and were enjoying the party. Someone cranked up the music. It didn't take long before everyone was dancing and someone brought the drinks. Harvey searched for Bruce, it wasn't surprising to find him being bombarded by girls. "Bruce!" Harvey pushed through.

Bruce saw him, "Hey Harv, you OK? excuse me ladies." he escaped the crowd, a few of the girls pouted but they all disbanded.

"Sorta, I need to talk-"

He was cut off by the yelling of a very familiar voice, "HEY DENT! GET OUT HERE! WE SHOULD TALK!" It was coming from outside. Harvey opened the front door and stood in the doorway. Down the path to his house was Thorne leaning against his classic black mustang. "Come on over here Harvey!" he waved for him to come closer.

"What do you want Thorne?" Harvey asked cautiously, Thorne was holding a beer in his hand. He was drunk.

"Alot ofthings!" his words were slurred together. "Here have a drink!" he tossed him a beer.

"I don't drink." Harvey dropped the can on the ground.

Rupert laughed, "'I don't drink'" he mocked Harvey, "Sure you don't, here take some of mine!" he handed him the drink.

Harvey crossed his arms, "I don't drink." he said strongly.

"Fine." Rupert seemed disappointed. Then he was angry, the situation escalated with him pouring the beer on Harvey. Harvey quickly got away only half of him was drenched. "Hey Harv, Catch!" Thorne flicked on a lighter from his pocket and threw it at Harvey. Harvey turned and caught it, the flame immediately lighting half his body on fire. He dove to the ground rolling to put off the fire screeching. Rupert jumped in his car and drove off.

Everyone ran to Harvey's screams. Bruce yelled for someone to call an ambulance. He looked down at the forever changed Harvey Dent.

(dedication to Abby_Hope)

Gotham High?.... More Like Arkham Highحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن