How the World Really Works

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There's no air. The room is spinning because the family Lady V has always had at her disposal no longer exists. Not one of their DNA lineage is alive in this existence. She hears a voice in the distance ask.

"What is your problem?"

She feels the burlap against her skin, a new sensation. It's roughness reminds her of her time in Thailand. A place she secretly learned how to defend herself. Her mind racing screams, 'Why didn't you just kill them?' Her breath shallow. The pain is so overwhelming. 'The family who has protected me for generations is dead. What is the point of more killing?' Her mind answers, 'Revenge.' Her body convulses in sobs as her mind reminds her, 'You know he's here.' 

She hears a voice in the distance ask, "Are you hungry?" 

She can't help but laugh as she tries desperately not to let the darkness out. "Food? You think I could eat after what has happened? You think I am so uncivilized as to not have the decency to honor the fallen?"

"What are they to you? Other than subjects?" the voice belongs to Sebastian, Prince of Thieves. The man hired to kill her. She knew this only because while she was in shock, her disciplined mind was still able to remember the voices she heard after the crew of her ship were slaughtered.

"An entire lineage ... lost. Forever." She can not help the tears that fall or the pain that causes her body to convulse beyond her control.

"You seriously expect me to believe you care? A royal? The ONLY child born into the current monarchy? Destined to marry the most powerful ally this kingdom has LONGED to be joined with since before you were born?" Lady Violet chokes back the tears. Sebastian continues, "You expect me to believe you actually can feel?"

Her heart breaks. She can't believe this is the life she has to make into something... She can't find the word, it all seems so overwhelming. "What would you have of me? What more do you require? I am a burlap bag away from being naked, locked in a cage, powerless. Is there something more you need to feel better about your circumstance? Or would you rather I become who you think I am and command my high guard to kill you where you stand?"

Sebastian's voice turns into a sincere laugh, "Bodyguard? Are you mad?" He moves closer to the cell. "You truly believe there's someone here to save you?"

Lady Violet, her back still turned to her captor, says to thin air, " I wish no more life be lost today. Please, just restrain him. Oh, and have someone bring me my dress. I'm a bit cold."

"You are daft ..." Sebastian doesn't get to finish his sentence as he feels a blade at his neck.

"See, your first mistake was taking off my dress." Slowly, deliberately Lady Violet picks herself off the floor of the cell. "Once this day is over. I will focus on why my crew and my ship were destroyed. Pray you had nothing to do with any of what is really going on."

"My Lady. Why do you spare this thief's life?" Sebastian feels the blade slowly start to slice at the layers of his neck.

Standing upright Lady V speaks more deliberately, "No one else will die tonight." She glances over her shoulder at her undead solider, who removes the blade and stands one pace away from Sebastian. Two more people enter the room and stop dead in their tracks at the sight of the Necromancer.

"Sebastian, we didn't sign up for a fight with anyone who's already on the side of Death." Both crew members drop to their knees in respect, "Whatever he wants, we will give it. Without question." 

The Necromancer smiles, "Where is my Lady's dress?"

One of the crew members screech, "She was hysterical. Racked with grief at the death of her crew. She tried to kill herself. She threw herself after them. She kept attacking anyone who touched her. We were just trying to get her to safety." Sebastian looks out the window. The crew member looks at the floor, "We could barely protect ourselves. She had so many weapons from places we didn't expect. We did not wish to violate her." The crew member looks the Necromancer in the eye. "Her grief was honorable. We disrobed her to preserve her life." Lady Violet's high guard meets the crew member's gaze. The crew member does not break eye contact, "It was not an easy choice."

The Necromancer nods, "I am here now. Where is her dress?"

Another crew member appears with her dress. Sebastian tries to interject, "Are you serious? Have you..." his words are cut off by the blade returning to his neck. "Ok. Suit yourself. Why should I care if a member of the Royal Family wants to jump to her death?"

The Necromancer looks sternly at Lady Violet. She replies, "They are all dead. All of them!" 

He nods. "Such is the circle of life. You thought your reign would not have casualties?"

Lady Violet screams and then is silent. "You will bring me my dress."

The Necromancer replies, "You are in a cage."

"Yes. You are quite observant." The Necromancer growls. Lady V commands, "Do as I ask. No one else will die today."

"Only today, correct?" The Necromancer gently removes the Lady's dress from the crew member's grasp and enters the cell. Once inside he hands his Lady a deck of cards, turns his back and extends his coat so she can dress with honor. "What happened?"

"My Mother." Lady Violet taps her bodyguard on the shoulder once her honor is restored, then sits down and deals out a hand from the cards he gave her. "Do you have any threes?"

Her bodyguard sits down, picks up his hand and says, "Go fish"

Sebastian who can no longer control his tongue says, "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Lady V looks him dead in the eye. "I have two choices. Tell this man what has happened. After which everyone on board will be dead and I will have more souls to mourn. Or I can sit here, play a child's game and wait for us to reach port." She picks up a card. "No more lives are lost in the process of me getting where I can make a difference." She turns her attention back to the game.

Sebastian chuckles uncomfortably, "You're in a cage."

Without missing a beat Lady Violet replies, "To keep you and your crew safe." The Captain of her high guard looks at the crew members in the room. Lady V continues, "I am here because I choose to be. I value life. What do you care about?" Her eyes don't leave the cards.

Her bodyguard asks, "Do you have any fives?"

Lady Violet looks at Sebastian, deep into his eyes and says coldly, "What should I reply?"

Sebastian feels 'Go Fish' is not the correct answer. A cold shiver from deep inside his being begins to rise within him.

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