Why Are You Really Here?

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Lady Violet raises from the floor where she had fallen trying to protect Sebastian.

He's gone.

"I don't understand?" her Necromancer avoids her gaze. "Tell me. Who are you here to protect?"

"You, my Queen.:" he replies, still unable to meet her gaze.

She pushes, "There's more. You will tell me..." Lady V pulls a card from her deck, "Are you going to make me use this?" She looks darker, more sinister than normal.

The High Guard replies, "No. But I can't say it ... aloud."

The cards he shows her depict a future she never had a say in. A marriage, predestined for the sake of peace between realms but ... it was ALL political. No REAL change for the commoner. Just the same ole' same old wrapped in a pretty package. Complete with her, sitting like a cherry on top of a pile of pastel colored bullshyte. And everyone in her life knew it. 

"I'm a ..." the rage inside of her builds. She struggles to find the appropriate word, "What is word? BANGLE? Something to be worn on a man's arm when he wants to show off?" The Necromancer backs away as Lady Violet advances, slowly deliberately ... "I'm just a token for the everyone to think.." her mind reveals the rest of the picture, the buds of horns begin to form. " ... is no more than a doll who speaks as she's told?" She stops. Violet begins to glow. The ridges you would see on a Dragon begin to form ever so delicately across her body.

The Necromancer begins to smile and silently says, "Yes, that's my girl."

She growls. "Why are you really here?"

Reluctantly, the Necromancer answers, "I am bound to you. I can only tell you the truth when you ask me the right question." He delays for a brief moment as her eyes glow with the power of the Violet Flame, "I was sent to awaken you but, I fell in love."

Violet raises her hand. It's glowing like a flame thrower before it spits Uber fire, "Why are you HERE?"

"I am supposed to deliver you to the Baron. Activated. But, I tried to take over Sebastian's body so I could become your true love." The Necromancer never breaks his gaze with her. "It was wrong and I don't care. I want you for myself."

Violet screams. A violet flame engulfs the room.

"What is free will? Why can't I do what you ask and choose who I wish to love?" Lady Violet collapses on top of what used to be Sebastian and sobs.

"When do I get to decide who I become and be happy, instead of a tragedy? Why do people think privilege matters? I feel just trapped as they believe they are." The serpent armor she gave Sebastian begins to heal.

He's no longer inside.

The Legend of Lady Violet and SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now