I Love You Too

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Lucas's P.o.V.

I took off at the speed of light. Not really knowing where I was going, and not really caring either. I just new I liked the feeling of the wind in my hair, and hitting my face with a great force.

Eventually the feeling stopped. I looked around trying to verfi my surroundings. It appeared that I was still in the city, so that was a good sign. It was just on the edge of a forest though, so I assume that it's near the edge of town.

It's was totally quiet accept, there was a small whimpering. Then the feeling came up again. And I took off once again. The wind was in my face, and the stars cast a shadow over my slim figure as I ran.

But once again the feeling died, and I stopped. The wind was no longer there, the moon was though. And the whimpering was as loud as ever. It seemed to come from high above me. It almost felt like it came from the roof.

My back started to ach I assume from running, but soon the pain became unbearable. I screamed out in pain as I hit the cold pavement. With a final yell the pain ceased. Then there was a strange feeling, not the feeling before I ran. A different feeling. Like I could float... Like I was floating. I looked down to find the road slight below me. I was no longer on the ground, I was flying.

I reached behind me to feel my back. There was wings on my shoulder blades. The wings were soft like freshly dried clothes. Slightly I peered behind me, the wings were actually there. I wasn't going crazy. They were white, and made of downy. Almost like angel wings.
  I levitated a little more, and dropped back to the ground.

'wow' I thought to myself. 'I really do have angel wings.'

Then there was more whimpering, only it was more distressed this time. Like the person/animal was in pain. I flew up to the tops of the buildings carefully, and searched around.

There it sat, on top of a building. Some type of animal maybe? I carefully, and quietly flew over to it.

While getting closer, I realize that the so called animal that had been whimpering was actually Steve. He sat against another building, cradled in a ball. I fly over to him, but on the ledge I stop.

*Trigger Warning*⚠

I stand silently on the edge watching him for a minute, before continuing over to him. While coming closer, slowly, I find that he has his arm set out in front of him. It appears that he has something, almost like a watery substance, dripping slowly down his arm. And in his opposite hand is a rock, or sharp price of plastic. He holds the object to his neck, and holds it.

I walk over to him, and sit with him. Lightly I put my hand over the object, and attempt to grab it from him.

At this he looks up at me, and slightly let's go of the object, but enough that I can take it away. After grabbing it I throw it off the edge of the building, and turn to Steve. He turns to me, and I can see he's lightly crying. I wrap my arm around his neck, and pull him to me. He rests his head on my shoulder, and continues silently sobbing.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly.

"Everything..." Says Steve.

"How so?" I ask.

"I mean everything! I'M A FUCKING DEMON!" Shouts Steve.

He moves slightly away from me, and continues sobbing.

"Hey, it's not all bad. I mean you've got hella cool wings now." I say.


"Shhhh, you're gonna wake up everyone in Germany. And it's alright. The wings are retractable. You can fold your wings in. It's not very hard. I've done it." I say trying to calm Steve down.

"Wait you've got wings now too? Oh fuck." Says Steve.

"Ah fuck! Shit that hurts." I curse out.

Steve removes his claws from my leg, with a terrified look on his face.

"I'm so sorry Luco. I really am!" Cries Steve.

"It fine, don't worry. I'm good. Just kinda hurt, but I'll be alright. I promise." I say, even though I'm pretty sure I was dieing.

"No, your not. Um I'll uh, um." Rantd Steve. "I don't know, I'm really sorry Lucas."

"No, it's alright. Just watch your claws. Alright." I say.

"No, I have to leave. I can't stay here!" Cries Steve, while beginning to fly away.

"No! Steve! PLEASE STAY!..... please." I say, whispering the last bit.

"No, it's just going to cause more damage, and just going to hurt you all even more." Exclaims Steve.

"But it causes more damage if you leave." I explain.

"How?" Questions Steve.

"Because you leave all of us. Everything... But we can't find you again. I don't want to lose you again. First it was because of your mother. Than you left to come here. I'm not letting that happen again. I'm not letting you leave again Steve. We'll go home to Maryland, and live happily. Happily together." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks. "Are you actually sure. There's so many other amazing guys back home. Why don't you go, and find an amazing guy who loves you, and isn't a demon..." Says Steve.

"I don't care if your a demon, Steve i love you either way. And I don't care how many other guys there are on this Earth... I love you."

Steve drops back down the roof, and comes over to me.

"I love you too Luco."

Hey. How you doing.
I'm fine.
I lied.
I'm dieing inside.

I mean um, hello!

But I'm really sorry for being gone for so long. That's why I've been posting so much lately.

Also I'm sorry I left. Shit was going on, and I was really busy with holidays, and things. And I forgot how much fun I had while writing these stories. But I promise to be more active with publishing.

And on another note. I'm going to be publishing other dobre brother AU's. So be ready. I've got a few chapters on those ready. I'm just waiting to publish them right now. But I promise I will.

And that's all I have to say for this chapter.





Bai Bai...


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