The Fall

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When I ran up that mountain, I couldn't know of what was to come. What I thought was going to be an end, was merely the beginning.

"Thud." I felt my body hit the ground. There was no way I could have survived that, I thought, I must be dead. But, as I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a dark corridor. Beneath me were the most beautiful, well cared for yellow flowers I had ever seen. I sat up in that quiet room, and had a look around. I saw nothing but gray walls, and the flowers I had landed on. I directed my gaze upwards, and saw the towering cliffs above me. I had no idea how I could have survived falling that far. Perhaps the flowers had broken my fall?

On shaky legs, I stood. I could see that I was at the end of a corridor, and that there was a door not far from me. Maybe there are people down here, I thought to myself, and hopefully they can help me. I walked forward, turning into a wide doorway. This room was darker than the last, and there sat a lone flower on a small patch of grass. One can imagine my fright when the thing started talking.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Gee, you're new to the underground, aren'tcha? Someone's gotta teach you how this place works. I guess little old me will have to do," the flower spoke with conviction, as if it had practiced this speech many times. Suddenly I felt as if I were floating, yanked from my static body into another plane of this world. Before me I saw a small, glowing red heart.

"See that heart?" queried the flower, "That's your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Right now, you're weak. To get stronger, you need to collect LV. What's LV? Why, LOVE of course! Here, I'll share some with ya!" The flower winked in a dastardly way, and I was now almost certain that they had practiced this. "Down here," the flower continued, "LOVE is shared through little, white, 'Friendliness Pellets.'" Around the flower, a number of white specks appeared. "Move around! Get as many as you can!"

Even though I didn't quite trust this strange talking flower, I figured my best chance at surviving in this strange world was to take all the help I could get. I willed my soul forward, it was much like walking, and collided with a white pellet. Instantly, I felt searing pain, and I noticed I had a health bar. It was now sitting at 1/20 hp, which I can only assume is health points as I felt as though I was very close to death. I staggered under my own weight as the flower cackled.

"You IDIOT. Who would pass up an opportunity like this? Now," the flower's face morphed into a hideous form, "DIE!"

Around me, an impenetrable circle of the white specks appeared. Feeling tricked and defeated, I stood stock-still and waited for my death. It was never granted to me, as the second I collided with those specks, I felt rejuvenated. I was back to full health! From my right, there appeared a beautiful flame, lighting up this dark, cavernous room. It zoomed forward, and smacked into that devilish flower, sending it flying with shriek.

Then, a large creature entered into my view. For a moment I was afraid. Was this creature going to trick me like the last? Or would they simply kill me at once? The answer was neither, as my fears were quelled the moment it talked.

"What a terrible creature," said the woman, with a voice sweet like sugar, and aged with many more years than she looked, "torturing such a poor, innocent youth. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. I pass through here every day to see if anyone has fallen down. Are you quite alright, my child?"

No one had ever called me that before. Out of nowhere, I felt hot tears begin to pour down my cheeks. The stress and fear of my situation had finally gotten to me. I ran forward to this wonderful lady and threw my arms around her legs. She was much too tall for me to hug her properly, but she scooped me up into the warmest hug I had ever felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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