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The rest of the day goes quick and now we are heading to gym.

Four heads into the boy change room and I head into the girls where I find Marlene, Christina, Shauna and Lynn already dressed standing there talking.

"Hey Tris!" Christina says as I walk over to her and the girls.

"Hey guys"

"Are you ready for tryouts this afternoon?" Christina asks me with a beaming smile.

"Ugh not really" but I'm lying I'm excited, I've always wanted to try out I've just been to scared so I always refuse but this year I want to do it for me... and maybe to see four, what?! Stop it Tris you don't even know him!

Christina smirks at me and I'm not sure why

"Oh please your lying your excited! Does Four have something to do with it?"

My cheeks go red and I curse at them, they will give me away.

"No what?! Shut up I have to get dressed." I say as I turn away to put on my gym clothes hoping I turned in time so they didn't see my blushing cheeks.

Once I am dressed we head out to gym and meet up with the guys. Turns out everyone has gym with us.

"Hey guys" Marlene says and gives Uriah a kiss.

"Hey" they say

Next second we hear Coach Amar say

"Hey class today we will be doing track and then a game of dodgeball. So everyone get started on 6 laps"

I groan, I hate running but I am quite good at it so I start. Four is at the front and it isn't long before I'm next to him, he gives me a confused look as if someone like me couldn't be a fast runner. That makes me mad so I speed up and now I'm in front of him, I smirk at myself but it doesn't last long. I see four out of the corner of my eye and then he's next to me again laughing.

"What's so funny?" I breathe out slowly loosing me breath

"That you think your faster than me" he says and I get mad I know he is only joking but I've been dealing with this all my life, everyone always underestimates me cause I'm small. I speed up without saying anything to him but he matches my pace and then is in front of me. Damn it I can't go any faster. So he wins. He looks back and smirks at me while I glare at him.

Walking over and hugging me he says "Tris it's ok I'm only teasing, you did really well" I can't focus on anything he's saying with his hands around me, my whole body radiates and I get a warm felling spreading from my inside out.

"Ummm thanks" is all I can manage to say and I turn my head back to listen to coach.

I zone out on what he is saying and think about that feeling I got when Four touched me, I wonder if he felt it too? Probably not he was just being a good friend, that's all we will ever be so I better get used to it.

The rest of gym is boring just a game of dodgeball and when we are done we don't change we just wait for tryouts to start.


Lauren is the captain of the cheer team and the most popular girl in school, she is beautiful and is definitely someone Four would date. As if she read my mind she calls out Fours name and waves as she heads over to us. She met him in the hall today on the way to gym, she ignored me like always and Four seemed interested in her, he looks up and smiles while waving back and looking her up and down, I knew he'd be into her who wouldn't be she's gorgeous.

She looks over at me and her smile leaves her face and is replaced with a bitchy smirk.

"Aww Tris are you finally trying out?" She says at me

Then looks at her friend Kayla and Jasmine who are also on the team and says "This will be good" laughing.

See being underestimated again! I think to myself, this is another reason I never tried out. No matter how good I do Lauren will never let me on the team.

Christina touches my back and gives me a look as if to say don't let her get to you. And she's right I brush it off without replying to Lauren and decide I'm going to do the best I can and hopefully she has no choice but to let me on the team.

Her and her minions get us to line up as they start  teaching us a routine. I get it pretty quick and not I'm perfecting my technique.

Lauren cuts people that are terrible and then looks at me. Oh no here I go but she keeps on walking.

I don't look at the boys trying out for football mainly because I don't want to see Four looking at Lauren which I know he is.

After an hour Lauren says "Congratulations you all made the team, practice is every Tuesday after school. If your late or don't turn up your off the team! See you all next week!"

Then I hear squealing that can only be from Christina. I can't believe I made the team!

The boys finish at the same time as we do and the girls head over to them. I don't really want to I don't want to see him I'm hurt about what happened before but idk why.

"How did you go" Zeke says to all of us

"We all made it what about you?" Shauna says

"You are looking at the new football team!" He booms and then hugs Shauna

We say congratulations and I head over to the locker room without looking at Four, he doesn't notice he just heads off with the boys to their locker room.

When I'm finished I tell the girls I have to get home and race off, truth is I just don't want to run into Four or hang out with the gang and him right now.

As I walk out of the locker room I smack into a solid chest and I get that same feeling of sparks. Oh no... I look up and Four is standing there smiling.

"Watch where your going Tris" he says and I look down and nod before trying to slip past him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Hey are you ok?"

I reluctantly lift my head to look at him.

"Yeah I'm fine I just really need to get home"

"Me too" he says and frowns as if he's had a bad thought "I'll walk with you"

I just nod and head of my car, I get in muttering a good bye to him and zoom off without looking back.


Tris seems different at the end of tryouts, I know she didn't want to try out but she can't be that mad that she's on the team? She wouldn't even look at me. We have been talking all day and now she won't look at me, I have no idea why. I watch her as she walks to the locker room and can't help feel sad. I don't dwell on it I just head to the locker room with the guys.

Once I'm dressed I reality's time! Shit! I need to get home to cook before Marcus gets home. I rush out of the locker room and someone runs into me. I realise it's Tris and get a warm feeling in my stomach, the same one I got when I hugged her.

After I  tell her to watch out we head to the cars. She mutters a good bye and zooms off leaving me standing there. I feel sad, is she ok? What happened at tryouts? Was it something I did? How? I wasn't even there?! I can't dwell on it I have to get home before Marcus. I get in the car and zoom off to my house.


Wow! That was a long chapter! Hope you all enjoyed let me know what you think!

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