Shinra... WHY?!

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[Third person POV]

Izaya's phone rang, disturbing the informant from a small nap. He checked the caller ID. "What does Shinra want..." he grumbles, as he answers the phone.

Shinra, in his usual, carefree, happy-go-lucky voice: "Hello~ Izaya!"

Izaya, after silently yawning: "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you had time to come over for lunch today~!"

"Why would I have lunch with you? I'm-" the raven was about to say 'busy', but the cheerful doctor interrupted with a bunch of nonsensical words.

Izaya tried to get a word in. "Shinra......... Shinra. ........................................ SHINRA!" The informant was annoyed now. "Fine! I'll go, just shut up!" Then he hangs up and sighs. Why did he just agree to that?


[More Third person POV]

At lunch time, Izaya arrived at Shinra and Celty's place as they brought out the food. After a lot of meaningless banter from Shinra's side while putting lunch on the table, he accidentally spilt juice on Izaya, to which the informant jumped.
"Sorry~ sorry~ don't kill me!" Shinra jumped back with both hands (and the cup in one hand) up.

And, well, let's time skip because the actual lunch isn't that important.

[Timeskip to after lunch, a few hours after lunch]

[More third person POV]

After Izaya left, Shinra looks at Celty. "You did it, right?"
She types back to him, "Yeah... are you sure this is the right way to do it, though?" To which the underground doctor replies, "Of course! Any other way and they'd kill each other!"

Some time later, Shizuo's phone rings.  He checks the caller ID and is tempted to ignore it, but answered anyways.
"What do you want?"
Shinra's reply, "Hey~ wanna come over for dinner?? Just two friends hanging out. Having dinner."
"... sure, I guess."

Shinra tells Shizuo the time and they hang up.

Near dinner time, Shizuo makes his way over to Shinra's.

(Sry the dinner is rushed in this chapter but I really wanna get to the good part, lol)

After dinner, Shinra was going to pour Shizuo some tea, when he "accidentally" spilt it on the ex-bartender.
"S-s-sorry, Shizuo!!" The doctor jumped up and put his hands up in surrender.

Shizuo got angry and stomped out.
"Whew~! I was sure I was gonna die... d-did you get it, Celty?"
Celty nods, her body suggesting that it was a nod that said 'yes, yes, but I still don't think this is a good idea.. '.

Izaya and Shizuo, in their respective places, both went to sleep soon, feeling tired from the whole day's events.

Izaya opened his eyes, not recognizing where he was, feeling heavy for some reason. He sat up and looked around. Was this... Shizu-chan's place...? He got up, noticing that the sudden motion had made the bed he was on shift a little, and found a mirror.... WAS THIS A NIGHTMARE?!  WHY IS SHIZUO IN THE MIRROR?!?! As he moved, the Shizuo in the mirror moved with him, the look of surprise mirrored his own. 


Meanwhile, Shizuo wakes up in an unknown place. Oddly, he felt lighter than usual. Getting up, he stumbled a bit, immediately getting annoyed and punching the wall. "Ow!" .... That was unusual. He usually punched a hole through the wall. He soon found a mirror in the unknown apartment, almost jumping back in shock... WHAT THE ******* ******* **** DID THAT ******* ***** OF A DOCTOR ******* DO THIS TIME?!?!?! WHY WAS HE IN THE FLEA'S BODY?!?!?!?! 

In both apartments, it could be heard by all their neighbors, if they had any, as they both yelled, "SHIIIIINRRAAAAA!!"

(Hahahahahahaha!! XD I'm laughing so hard right now!! Pleeeeaaaasssseeee, if you guys can think of any ideas [and if anyone even reads this book], I need more ideas!! XD)

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