A Letter From The Future

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January 16th, 2058

The Earth has changed drastically in the passing years. Mass extinction of animals, the constant and rapid melting of ice caps, and the large loss of vital materials humans and animals have always survived on. The air has become thicker too, almost visible from the amount of pollution that has been irresponsibly thrown into the atmosphere. Disease and sickness runs much more rampant compared to how it used to. Even the plants are suffering from the lack of proper nutrients in the soil and air, the sun also becoming too harsh for them to handle due to the dwindling of what used to be a fully functioning ozone layer. Bright red tinted roses have now become quite the opposite. Stems are unable to support the pedals above. The blush coloured flowers continuously turning grey over time as they endure breathing in our dirtied air. As the Earth continues to diminish, all living things are now struggling more than ever to survive. The cries of the underprivileged are louder than ever as climate change worsens drastically, creating a butterfly effect that is felt around the globe. My eyes and ears have become used to the disastrous sounds and sights that humans have brought, my mind only occasionally wandering back to what life would be like if people only tried harder to preserve the one planet that willingly gifts us with everything we need to live. An ocean no longer filled with plastics, sea life thriving as well as green life, and animals. A new, more positive type of butterfly effect that benefits everything and everyone. All living things, plants, animals, and humans alike, flourishing on a clean planet they can all happily call home.

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