The Next Step

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Marinette lives everyday like any other person but she has a secret....
One night I was face chatting with my friends Gaby, Mitch, Adam and Julianna telling them about having to move to Paris. They were over all sad but kinda relieved they don't have to dance with me anymore which was wierd. When I hung up I started packing for the plane the next night.

The next day I woke up and got dressed in my long sleeved black crop top and high waisted jeans shorts. I slipped on my black runners and left to school. At school My 'friends' were ignoring me. So I had to sit alone in every class even at lunch.

"And remember when writing the story of you life don't let anyone else hold the pen" my English teacher said as we where leaving," so ask your self who is holding the pen, think about it"

As I was walking out of class the teacher called my name," Ms.Dupain-chenge can I speak to you"
I wonder what he wants to talk to me about?.
"Marinette I would like you to answer a question for me"
"Yes" I nodded.
"Who is holding your pen?" He asked,"who is writing your story"
"Honestly Ma'am I don't know" I replied unsure of how to answer. For the last couple of months I have felt like I was just drifting alone doing what everyone else has wanted me to do. Not being me, not being who I want to be. That's why I think moving is the right thing to do,"lately It feels as if every one but me is holding that pen, writing my story"
"And why is that" she asked.
"I have tried so hard to be or do what everyone else has wanted me to be/do just to be great"
"You can't be one way and do things one way greatness comes when you don't look for it" she said with a sympathetic smile," to be great you have to make mistakes and not make everyone happy"
"Ill try to do things my way and not any one else" I replied with a smile walking out of the class room but that question stuck with me the rest of the day 'whos is writing my story?'. I emptied out my locker and went home.

I got home and finished packing till it was about 5:30 my plane leaves at 6:00.

I walked onto the plane and was sat beside a girl with orange hair and glasses. I sat down and introduced my self," hi my name is Marinette"
"Alya" she replied reaching out her hand. I took it. We talked about random stuff like favorite colours, places we wanted to go, school everything. I learnt that she is going to the same school as me PPA (Papillion Performing Arts). She was a dancer like me. She also told me about this break dancing club called miraculous. Where every had secret identities because people from our school would get expelled if caught there.
" My secret identity is Rena rouge" she said happily.
" Yeah I dance with a secret identity" I said," I am Ladybug"
She gasped,"as in the ladybug from Excess"
"Yeah that ladybug" I laughed,"you can't tell anyone"
"I won't" she said pretending to zip her lips shut and throw away the keys. We talked the rest of he plane ride and exchanged numbers before we landed and went our separate ways.
"10 seconds in Paris and I already have a friend, what is the next step?" I thought to my self.

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