Chapter 5

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Authors note:

Hi. Sorry this chapter isn't that long but I promise they will get longer and the updates will be more frequent. Im happy that people like what I write. I love you guys' feedback. And I promise this is only the beginning. 


Chapter 5

Edward just started running not really sure where he was going only knowing that he couldn't stop. There was a silent voice calling to him in his head begging him to come find them. The voice whimpered silently and it broke his undead heart. He knew he had to find this voice and stop its pain. When he got to the Forks city limit he was me with his siblings Alice and Jasper. Jasper wore a smirk on his face that he didn't try to hide while Alice wore a face of pity for her brother. "Take this car Edward you're gonna need it." Alice says "Can you see where he is Alice?" Edward said with all of the hope in his body. "No but I can see a little girl and can hear this said whimpering sound." "Thats Jacob I have to go to him." Edward exclaimed "So you've finally accepted that you have feelings for him?" Jasper says with an eyebrow cocked up. Edward didn't reply he only got into the driver's seat slamming the door of the car and hit 80 mph immediately. " I don't love him. I don't love him. I don't love him." Is what Edward kept repeating to himself as the sun set and he followed the pull in his heart to his wolf.


Edward ended up at a hotel. He could smell Jacob all over it. He took a moment to breath in this beautiful smell that he has never noticed before. It that coming from him?" Edward wondered. He was brought out of his daydream by a little girl jumping on him almost knocking him to the ground " My names Caroline. What's yours Mr?" Caroline said out of breath. "Caroline what have I told you about this. Go to your room little girl." Madeline said. " But the nice man hasn't even told me his name yet." Caroline pouted. "My name is Edward little one. Satisfied Caroline hugged Edward and ran off to her room. "I'm sorry about her she gets lonely and thinks attacking guests is fun. Is there something I can do for you?" Madeline said apologetically. "It's quite alright. And yes there is I would like a room for the night." Edward said still sniffing the air for Jacobs sent, Getting lost in all the different flavors that he could practically taste. "Hello, Edward." Madeline says with a worried look. "Oh i'm sorry I just checked out for a second." Edward says quickly and takes the room key and runs to the elevator without another word. His room was on the same floor as Jacob's and he didn't know what to do next. " I could kick in the door, pick him up and force him to come back with me. Or I could tell him one of his pack brothers are hurt and he needs to come back with me now. Or I could just knock on the door. Yeah thats what ill do." Edward exists the elevator and passes his room up completely and goes to the door he can smell Jacob behind. Edward knocks three times and hears shuffling then 10 seconds later is the most beautiful sight that he has ever seen. Jacob Black with no shirt or pants on. Edwards eyes quickly scanned every chiseled feature that the wof had. He was gonna say something but then Jacob passed out but Edwards reflexes were quick and he caught the wolf mid fall and took him into the room and laid him on the bed.


Jacob has been in and out of sleep for a couple of hours his wolfs whining has been ringing inside of his head nonstop. He is officially woken up to someone knocking on the door. He started to look for his clothes then decided to just answer the door with no clothes on but his boxers not caring what the person on the other side of the door thought. He then opened the door and his wolf screamed "Mate" Then all he saw was darkness. When Jacob woke up he smelled the most intoxicating smell. It was all around him. All he wanted to do was cuddle up in the smell and sleep forever. He looked around until his eyes landed on Edward's golden ones. They sat just like that, staring at each other for what felt like forever until Edward got the courage to say something. "Hi"

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