Chapter 6

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Hello all. I am so thankful for all the love and attention that this story is getting. I hope the story is going in the direction that you all can appreciate. 

Chapter 6

Edward just sat there watching Jacob sleep. He couldn't take his eyes off of him. It was like he was now seeing Jacob for the first time and once again something pulled at his non beating heart. The boy lying in the bed was so...... beautiful and he knew in that moment that every part of his being belonged to him and him alone.. "Damn it Edward what have you done. How could you have hurt hurt him like that. You really screwed..." before he could continue mentally bashing himself Jacob started to wake up. And when their eyes locked Edward was caught in a trance. All he wanted to do was grab the wolf and never let him go but he thought better of that idea and went with something more practical. "Hi" Edward said mentally kicking himself the lame reply. Jacob couldn't even speak. So many thoughts crossed his mind. He wanted to jump and kiss his mate but he also wanted to slap him for abandoning him. He couldn't decide what to do so he just sat there staring into his imprints beautiful eyes. Edward was worried about the silence on the wolfs part so he decided to listen to his thoughts. He saw that Jacob had two actions rolling around in his head and not wanting to get slapped and Jacob's lips were calling to him so he decided to attempt the kiss. He moved like lightning so fast that Jacob never stood a chance. He crossed the space that divided them and kissed his wolf. Sparks and vibrations flew through both of their bodies. Edward felt himself unraveling and Jacob was overcome with pure bliss. The kiss intensified and Edward started to push Jacob down onto his back then something in Jacob snapped. He pushed Edward off of him with all of his might into the wall. "I'm sorry" Edward says getting up from the floor "No, you have no right to do this." Jacob screamed closing in on himself " You can't just walk in here and kiss me like you weren't the reason I left" Jacob continued. "I know Jacob I'm..."but Edward was cut off by a booming voice "Stop" Jacob's wolf had surfaced not being able to take the emotional weight that Jacob was dealing with. "Stop talking mate. You are hurting him, you are hurting us." "Your Jacob's wolf" Edward said half questioning and half amazed. "Why did you not except us? Are we not good enough for you?" Jacob's wolf says trying to sound firm but its tone wavers. "That's not it at all. I just.... I just keep thinking of Bella. I said I would never be with anyone else after she dies and then you come in with the destined to be together thing and I got scared. I didn't want to hurt her. Edward says facing the wall because he can't look at Jacob. "But she is gone Edward" Jacob says having taken back over his body while Edward was speaking. "She is gone and I know you loved her and always will but i'm right here. I can fill that gaping hole that you carry around with you. I can be anything that you need me to be. I can take care of you, I can hold you, I can protect you." Jacob says desperately "What about love?" Edward says. Jacob turns red "Yes I can love you as well." Edward says nothing and only closes the space between them once again and this time the kiss only stopped when the heard a knock at their door. Edward opened it to reveal little Caroline. " I heard noises up here and want to see if Mr Jacob was ok" she said with big worried eyes. Jacob came up behind Edward and said" Its ok Caroline I just fell and Mr Edward came to help me up." "Ok well here's a band aid for you if you need it and thank you Mr Edward for helping him." She says. "You are very welcome Ms Caroline." She then skipped away down the hall giggling to herself about Mr Edward and Mr Jacob sitting in a tree kissing. "Well what now?" Edward says "Now we go home. After I kiss my new boyfriend a couple more times." Jacob says with a big smile " Nope not boyfriend yet" Edward says sternly. Jacob looks up at him with a worried glance "We need to work up to that. We can start with me taking you on a proper date." "I thought since we are soulmates we could bypass that stuff and just skip to making out." Jacob says pouting. "We will my pet but let me woo you first and spoil you to make up for our rocky start to this relationship." Edward says grabbing Jacob by the waist. "Fine, but you aren't allowed to buy me anything expensive." Jacob says with a straight face. And Edward just giggled "We will see my little wolf."

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