Chapter 1

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"And you are sure this is the only way?"

"I am afraid it is."

Imperius had just told Phillippe that there was a chance to lift Isabeau and Etienne's curse.

"Have you told them yet?" Phillippe looked to the room where Isabeau was recovering from her injury.

"No." Imperius answered, "You and I both know that neither of them would let the curse be broken if they knew the cost." Phillippe gazed into the fire "My boy, what I am asking you... I would not judge you if you said no. I only tell you this because I cannot think of anyone else who would do it. The participant must be willing you see."

Phillippe looked him in the eye "I'll do it. Etienne saved my life. I owe him an innumerable debt. He and Isabeau deserve their happiness." He looked back into the fire "I will take on the curse."

~time skip~

The day had finally come for Etienne to get his revenge. That or, if what the old man had said was true, he would get to see Isabeau again. Imperius had worked out a plan for them to enter the mass. All he would have to do is wait for Phillippe to open the doors.

~time skip~

"Lord, when you planned out my life did you expect this to happen? Because if you did, it would have been very nice to know about it a bit sooner." Phillippe made his way through the sewers "I'm not complaining per se, I'm just saying that a heads up would have been appreciated."

He crawled through the grate in the floor and entered the church. Mass hadn't started yet, so no one was in the room. He was supposed to just unlock the doors and wait for Etienne to arrive. At least, that's what Etienne thought was his mission.

Phillippe made his way to the back of the church until he came across a room that he assumed was the Bishop's chamber. "here goes nothing Lord. I sure hope you know what you're doing..."

He quickly opened the door and startled the Bishop. "Who are you?!"

Phillippe walked closer and pulled out a knife from his tunic "I am Phillippe the mouse." The Bishop's eyes widened. "Do not call for help, you would be dead before they arrived. I, however, am not here to kill you. 2 years ago, you placed a curse on two lovers." His eyes widened even more "Unless you want to die, you are going to free them of that curse today."

He glared at him "The only way to break that curse is for me to see both at once!"

"Which will happen today," Phillippe answered.

The Bishop looked nervous, but he continued "Even if that is so, I need a willing participant to take the curse from them!"

"That is why I am here," Phillippe replied. "Now, how do we break the curse?"

~time skip~

When Etienne entered the mass, Phillippe told the Bishop to act surprised. All they had to do was wait until Isabeau showed up.

~time skip~

Phillippe was getting nervous that she wasn't going to make it before Etienne killed the Bishop. But there she was, at the last second.

Etienne looked at her and then to the Bishop "Now break the curse!"

The Bishop sighed and pretended to be defeated. "You win." He pulled out a vile of potion he and Phillippe made moments before. "I have carried this with me for the last two years waiting for this day to come. I knew you both would catch up with me eventually. All you must do is each drink of this potion and the curse will no longer be upon you."

The potion had been made with a single drop of Phillippe's blood. Once they drank it, the curse would be his.

Etienne took the vile. He drank a sip and once he assured it wasn't poison, he gave it to Isabeau. As soon as she drank it, Phillippe felt something inside him change. Like there was another being, just waiting to be let out.

As Isabeau drank suddenly the Bishop started to move towards her. It was too late for Phillippe to shout out. Luckily, Etienne had suspected that he would do something, so he quickly ran him through with his sword. The Bishop was dead.

Etienne looked to Isabeau. The ran to each other and shared a kiss they had been waiting to have for a long time. Phillippe smiled. Even though he knew what all of this meant for him, he was still happy for them. They hadn't seen each other in years. There was no one that he shared a bond like that with. He wouldn't be missed if he turned into some unknown animal at night.

(A/N - Hey there! Thanks for reading. :) I have a feeling that not many people have ever heard of this movie, so if you're reading this, you're awesome! I update on weekends so I'll see you in a week. thanks again for reading!) 

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