Chapter 4

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Several hours after Imperius left, Phillippe slowly started to wake up. When he did he was surprised to see Isabeau and Etienne standing over him. "How are you feeling little mouse?" she gently wiped his face with a wet wash cloth.

"I'm ok..." he looked around the room "Where is Imperius?"

"He's gone." Etienne said gruffly "He won't be bothering you again." Etienne hung his head "He told us what you did..."

"Oh..." Phillippe nervously picked at the blanket.

Isabeau started crying "Phillippe why would you do such a thing?! You had only just met us!"

"You had been cursed for so long. It was time you were able to see each other again." He answered.

"Phillippe it was only two years!" Etienne looked angry "The Bishop is dead now. There is no way for the curse to be broken. You are going to be stuck like this for the rest of your life!"

Phillippe didn't even blink "I know that."

Etienne and Isabeau weren't mad at him. They were mad at Imperius for making him do it. Bu it couldn't be changed now. They would just have to help him through it.

~time skip~

Isabeau made Phillippe stay in bed for the next week because of his injury. When he was a deer he would just sit there and let her pet him. It was when he was human that was the problem. Everyday he tried to convince her he was fine and could walk around. He was really getting on Etienne's nerves.

After that they let him walk around again. For a while he needed help because of his leg but he eventually got the hang out it again.

Etienne and Isabeau would always keep him company when he changed. They both knew first hand how painful it could be.

~time skip~

"You know, I wish he could stay a deer all the time." Isabeau and Etienne were sitting by the fire while Phillippe sat next to Isabeau as a deer. His head was resting on her lap as she stroked it. Etienne was currently combing out his hair with a brush. "He's just so sweet."

Etienne snorted "He's a lot quieter too! Sometimes I think he'll never shut up!" they both laughed. Over the last few months they had both almost started to see Phillippe as a son. He'd never had any parent figures, so they were happy to take on the part. And it was nice having an addition to their little family. Before the next one comes...

"When should we tell him?" Isabeau laid a hand on her stomach.

Etienne held her other hand. "Let's tell him tomorrow."

~time skip~

When Phillippe changed, he smelled turkey roasting over the fire. Once Etienne found out about his changes, he decided to stop hunting deer. Just so it wouldn't be awkward.

Phillippe got up and stretched. He left his tent and walked outside. Isabeau and Etienne were sitting by the fire. "Good morning Phillippe. Come get some breakfast."

He went over and sat down next to them. He ate for a little while, then he realized that neither of them was talking. He looked up "Is something wrong?"

They smiled "No. we have something to tell you Phillippe."

Isabeau put a hand over her stomach "I'm pregnant."

"Really?!" Phillippe jumped up excitedly and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you!" They both just laughed as he started rapidly asking questions.

Nine months later their little family would gain another member. Phillippe instantly fell in love with the baby and he would often play with him. Everything was perfect.

The End.

(A/N - Well guys! Thank you so much for reading! :) I hope you liked it! Bye!)

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