Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I am so grateful for your support cos without you guys I am not sure if I would still be inspired to write it.pls comment give me ideas.hope you enjoy it.
(At the cafeteria)
Maddy:So about your sleepover I have invited some.
Diana:Oh thank you very much.
Cole:Hey Diana.Whats up Maddy.
Diana:Ehm,cole I was thinking if you would like to come for my sleepover at my house.
Cole:Of course,Just send me the address.Looks like it's time for class.I am heading off to the physics department.
Diana:hey,that is where  I am also heading off to.
Maddy:Okay,have fun bye.
Cole: Diana, you look pretty today.
Diana: Thanks(blushing) OMG he said I am pretty.ahhhhhh.oops thank God I said that in my head.Cole, you yourself are not bad.
Cole: thanks.
    (There was silence but it was a comfortable one.)
(In the class)
Mike:Hey buddy
Cole:Hey Mike,didn't know you are in this department.
Mike:Hey that girl you walked with.Who is she.
Cole: That is Diana.
Mike:Have you asked her out.
Mike: Maybe you should.
Cole:Pls can we talk about this are distracting me.
----------- time skip 1 hour later------
Cole: Diana!
Diana :yes.
Cole: About the sleepover.
Diana:Oh yeah,the address. I am going to send it later in the day.S o did you enjoy the lecture.
Cole: it was great.
Diana:Bye see you later.
   Hey guys so you think Diana also like cole.Keep reading to find out Love u guys,Wink!

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