Chapter 8

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(Ping Ping)
Mike:Hey Cole, you have a text.
Cole:Be right there.
---------time skip 5 minutes later---------
Where is my phone.
Mike: Over there.
Cole:She just sent the address.
Cole: So what am I wearing.Ok, I think this shirt will go.
Mike:Mm Mm,No,this colour is too dull.
Cole: What do you mean 'is too dull' I am just going for a sleepover.
Mike:So? you have to impress her.So come here Let's brush you up a bit.
---------- time skip 10 min later---------
Mike: Whoa,You look hot.Check yourself out.(Hands over the mirror)
Cole:Wow,thanks bro,gotta be on my way.Bye.
     ----------time skip 15 min later--------
          ( At Diana house)
  (Ding Dong)
Mrs Williams(Mum): Diana,Someone is at the door.
Diana:Yes mum,. Maddy! Finally.
Maddy: Sorry,Hey guys meet Diana.
Maddy: Diana meet Katie,Kyra,Nikki and Christine.
All:Hi,Nice to meet you.
Diana: Nice to meet you too.Come in.
Maddy:So looks like we are complete.
Diana: Actually Cole is not here yet.
Maddy: Cole?He will be the only guy.
(Ding Dong) Be right back.
Cole:Hey Diana.
Diana:(Oh my God,this guy is cute.Wait a sec am I admiring him.Of course I am.)
Cole: Diana? Diana!
Diana:Yes,Yes Sorry.
Cole: You were kinda lost.
Diana: Sorry.Ehm,come in.
Cole: Thanks.(Whoa this girl is pretty)
Diana:Guys,Cole is here.
Cole:Hey Maddy,whats up.
Maddy: I'm fine.Nice to have you here  
----------time skip 15 minutes later--------
Diana: Let me check on the popcorns.
Cole: Let me help you out.
(In the kitchen)
Cole: By the way, your house looks amazing.
Diana: Thanks.
Cole: You look pretty.
Diana:(smile)You yourself are not bad.Pls excuse me.
Katie:So which movie should we watch.
Christine: Maybe BFG.
Maddy:I prefer Adventure Club.
Kyra: No way,Lets watch 300 Spartacus.
All except for Kyra and Cole: No.
Kyra:Is it that scary.
Katie:Yes it is.Cmon guys,Lets watch the rachels. I hear it's interesting.
Christine: I prefer BFG
Maddy: Adventure Club.
   (They began to shout at once)
Diana: Enough! You guys are just shouting for no reason.Ok you guys are going to write the name of the film on these cards so me,nikki and Cole are going to take a card blindfolded.Get it.
  ----------time skip 2 min later---------
Nikki:Chose Spartacus.
Cole:The Rachels.
Katie:yeah baby.
Diana: Spartacus.
Kyra:(dancing) In your face.
Diana: Looks like it's Spartacus then.
------------2 hrs later---------
Maddy: Christine you can open your eyes now.Its over.
Cole: That was fun.
Katie:Let's play Truth or dare.So I'm the first then it goes like that.
Katie: Cole Truth or Dare.
Cole: Truth.
Katie:Do you have a crush on anyone in school.
Cole: Yes.
Cole:  It's just one question.
Katie: OK.
Christine:My turn.Truth or Dare.
Christine:I dare you to kiss Cole on his lips for 3 minutes.
Maddy:Oh my gosh,do it.
Diana:No way.
Christine:Fine,get ready to stay under cold water in your bathroom for 20 minutes.
Katie:Oh geese,that's bad, you have to do it.
Maddy: You have to.Cole wouldn't mind.
Cole: Please Diana,Its just a dare. I don't want to see you shivering .I wouldn't mind.
         (She bends over to kiss him and they kiss passionately for 5 minutes )
Maddy: Guys, 3 minutes is over, you can stop now.
Diana:(Pulls away)Oh,sorry(Feeling awkward,Wait, did I just kiss him, I did! and his lips felt amazing)
Cole:(Whoa, I just kissed Diana,thanks to Christine.)
Diana:Geese Louise! It's 11pm,so 2 people in a room,so choose your partner now.
Katie:I choose Christine.
Christine:Me too.
Kyra: I choose Maddy.
Maddy: Fine by me.
Diana: Maddy!
Nikki: I choose Kyra and Maddy,preety please.
Maddy: So looks like it is you and Cole.(Smile)(Winks to Diana).
Cole: Fine by me.
Diana:Urgh,fine.Here are your keys.(Yawn) Goodnight.
All: Good night.
Cole: So looks like it is me and you.(smile).
Diana: Goodnight.
Cole: Goodnight.
Hey guys, hope you are enjoying it.I deliberately made it long bcos it has been long since I've updated.Anyways Happy New Year.Welcome to 2019.
BTW Thanks to Christine,Diana and Cole Kissed,This is just the beginning.And please give me ideas on how to improve it.pls comment.Love you guys.💕 Wink!

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