I choose my Mother Earth!!

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Neon blue lights that lit up the tunnel down the dark alley,my heart beats disturbingly loud reminding me those haunting memories I thought I just left behind. Is there no chance? I wonder and try to figure out any even probabilities among so many odds of the coming future.

Good God what have we all gotten our future generations into! Our deeds which are sufficiently bad have made them suffer. We are the one's responsible for their misery. 

Yes!!I can, I just know now what to do,I'm glad to have Jane she has managed to precisely arrange a meticulous conference with the members of Congress and all the dignitaries of the world in such a short period of time although I'm an amateur scientist I'm honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize for my recent paper on a medicine for metastatic cancer and that's a plus that people will atleast try to listen to me, I hope.

Standing in front of the mirror thinking as if I'm in the hall in front of the dignitaries and the media giving the speech I begin "Good morning ladies and gentlemen,I'm here today to speak about our future seems unrealistic but to the contrary I'd like to say that if there's no future for humans will these awards,vaccines,skyscrapers matter? I'd like to bring to your notice that I received a message via a video showing the horrors of the future. Instead of me explaining about this incredible future technological experiment why don't I show it to you?

Taking a deep breath I walk into the conference room and tell up to here and play the video from the future.

It blurs slightly in the beginning and then a man whom I assume to be a scientist begins explaining how the oceans are covered with plastic, how they're unable to recycle them and all the disadvantages of it and also the harmful chemicals that are formed all around Earth's surface making population decrease rapidly and eventually going closer to extinction the most heart breaking is the picture of a woman who is scuba diving and the ocean is completely covered with plastic wrappers and a giant fish right in front of her that might succumb to death at any moment,the video blurs again in the last slide it shows an ice Berg but when the camera moves down it is shown to be a plastic bag immersed in water and a grave voice telling "This is your future,it's still within your reach to save it. Plastic or planet? Please do choose Mother Earth!!".

There's no sound in the hall it's pin drop silent I guess they're bamboozled to watch it and I see no one bothering to ask a question too so I conclude my speech addressing the gathering "Dear Earthlings it's our duty to save our mother Earth let's get rid of plastic step by step I choose my mother Earth whom will you?"

I Choose my Mother Earth!! (#planetorplastic)Where stories live. Discover now