Chapter One

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Tick...tick...tick I looked up at the clock, 1:50. School, or in my opinion, hell,  would be over soon. I peered down at my sketch book, finishing the little half fish- half bear dude I was working on all day. I love anything related to art, I've been practicing for as long as I can remember.

I gaze over at Max to the right of me. He always looked nice, leather jacket, slick back dark brown hair; he was eye candy for all the ladies. It made me quite jealous, consitering the only girl who loves me is my cat Charlie. She listens to my 3 am problems, and never judges may I add. She licks my salty tears up off my cheek, she always let's me be me.

"Remember the homework is due on monday, you may pack up, have a good weekend." The teacher cut my thought process off. I shove my sketch book into my navy blue backpack. I loved blue, my mom said I could dye by hair blue tonight so that's cool. I zip it up and fondle my reindeer plushie I had hanging from the zipper. My nana got it for me, I loved the little guy.

I pulled my backpack over my right shoulder and walked over to Max's desk.

"Hey wanna hang out tomorrow, I'll make sure to have snacks!" Max took his ear bud out and thought for a moment before looking up at me.

"Yeah ill have to ask my Mom. My dad might not let me, so don't get your hopes up." I nodded and looked at the clock again. We had one minute left before the dismissal bell rang. My feet trudged to the door, I always made sure to be the first one out so I could try to avoid the hallway traffic.


I shoved the door open and quickly walked down the hall, not moving my gaze up from my black and white converse. The halls began to crowd as I burst out the front doors. I pulled my sweater sleeves down over my hands, as the cold air bit at my fingertips. I loved the cold, I was able to wear my beautiful sweater my mom got me. Although, my glasses often got foggy.

The walk home was beautiful, I loved my neighborhood, it had so many trees. When the spring hit, birds and their babies came out, singing their beautiful tune. I took a deep breath of the cold hair in and smiled. I turned into my driveway, making sure to avoid the cracks.

I unlocked the door of my house and pushed it in. My mom peered over the couch, which was positioned away from the door. Even though my mom was home, she kept the door locked. After that man broke into our house when she was home, she was never able to leave it unlocked. I smiled at her and threw my backpack down by my shoes.

"Ready to dye your hair Zachie?" I trotted to the kitchen and opened the fridge, my moms footsteps following after me. I grabbed an apple and spun around to face her.

"Yes ma'am I've never been more excited ever!" My mom giggled and pulled a blue splat hair dye out of a plastic walmart bag. I drug a chair away from the counter, hoisting myself up into it.

"How was your day?" I heard the shuffle of the materials in the box being removed, along with the slight hum coming from my moms lips.

"It was average, I may be hanging with Max tomorrow, if its chill." My mom loved Max. He was so respectful to her, and he considered her another mom.

"That's cool, I'll get you boys some snacks if he does come over. Is that bully still bugging you?" I sighed slightly. Theres this kid in my geometry class who constantly makes fun of me. I told my mom and she talked to the parents of the kid. It didnt stop the teasing, but it made things a bit better for me, I guess.

"Kind of, he still teases me at times, but he hasnt shoved me against a locker in a while." She walked up behind me and I felt her fingers run through my hair, I shivered. I heard her stifle a laugh, then squeeze a bit of the hair dye first on my roots, then slowly work her way down to the tips.

"That's good, at least he doesnt hurt you anymore." I smiled at my feet and nodded a bit.

"Can you pass me the remote? I want to watch the news." As sad as the news was getting these days, I enjoyed the drama of it all. I watched my mon quickly walk to the living room, then waddle back, handing me the remote. She made sure to be careful not to get dye on it.

I changed the channel to our local news and bit at my finger nails while I listened to the newscaster.

January 15, a 24 year old male named Kody John Myles was found dead in his apartment complex. His wife claims she, and his one year old twins were out shopping, leaving him alone. She claims he was acting very strange before the incident. His wrists were brutally slashed open, and he had a bullet through the brain. It was thought at first to be a suicide, but investigators are finding evidence of him putting up a fight. We will have more information on him, and the possible killer tomorrow. For now, let's go to Larry for the weather.

Thanks Karan..

"Wow..that's sad," I looked back at my mom who was shaking her head, "people are so sick, who drives these people to do that?" I look back at the TV, shrugging slightly.

It was sad..What does drive people to do that? Murder is such a sick thing. I couldn't imagine taking someone's life, especially if they had two kids and a wife or husband. I hope they find that bastard and cut his-

"All done!" My mom clapped and smiled. "Now we just have to wait, then wash it out." I smile and jump to my feet. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I pulled it out and looked at the message I got.

Maxipad 👀

Hey I can come over tomorrow, we should watch that new movie called the pigeon box. I hear its spooky 👻

I laugh at his dumb use of the ghost emoji and look at my mom, who is throwing the blue stained gloves away. She walked to the sink and began to wash her hands.

"Max can come over, he wants to watch the movie called the pigeon box, can you rent it for us?" I stretch, raising my hands over my head, my sweater going up and exposing my belly. My mom shuffles over and touches my belly with her cold, wet hands. I squeal, pulling my sweater down, shooting my mother a glare.

"Yeah I'll text your father and tell him to pick it up along with some popcorn." She dries her hands, "you can wash that out in 10 minutes. I'm going to go pay bills." She walks past me, rubbing my shoulder and smiling.

I smile to myself and set a timer for 10 minutes. I cannot wait to show everyone my blue hair.

Friday January 18, 2019

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