Chapter Three

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Police have been refusing to give out the information of the supposed killer. They keep telling the media it was a suicide, but doctors are continuing to suggest there was struggle. Is this some mysterious force, or some rabid killer? We have no clue, but we advice everyone to always have someone with you and to lock all entrances to your house.

I switched the TV off and tiped my head. Why won't the police give out any information about this? There must be something more to the story. I reach for my phone and dial up Max.

It rings 5 times before he picks up.


"Hey, have you seen the news?" I fiddle with the bottom of my sweater.

"Ya, it's insane their not giving anything out. There's clearly something their hiding."

I let out a sigh, "let's give it a few days and see if they give anything more out. If not, let's investigate."

"Hells yeah, the team back into business!"

I stifled a laugh, "Hell yeah!" I paused for a bit, "Anyway I gotta go my mom will be back from her afternoon jog soon."

"Aight, talk later, baiiiiii"

I hung the phone up and pushed up from the couch. Man oh man I was so hungry! I walked to the kitchen and opend the door to the fridge just as my mom walked through the front entrance.

I peered at her from behind the door.

"Oh hey ma!" I shut the fridge and walked over to her, "Did that dog come and sniff you again today?"

She looked oddly distant, she kept peering around the room as if she was looking for someone. Her gaze fell on me and she smiled.

"No, I took a different route." She pushed past me and walked down the hall to her room.

That's not like her, normally she eats a granola bar? And she took a different route? She's told me she hates taking different routes of the fear of running into someone weird.

"Mom?" I followed her quickly down the hall, "did you get hurt? Do you need me to call Dr. Frank? Or get you anything at all?"

She quickly turned to me and gave me a smile I have never seen come across her face. Her hands raised up onto my shoulders, giving them a slight rub.

"No. I am fine. Did you eat anything yet? You should. There are apples in the fridge." Her grip tightened on my shoulder, making me wince slightly.

Her hands trailed off my shoulder, and with some hesitation, she turned and walked to her room. She slowly shut the door, peering at me before closing it fully. I heard the click of the lock on the door. I stood there in disbelief of what just happened.

What the hell that was not like her at all. I slowly turned and walked to the kitchen. I got some things out to make a salad. I carefully cut some apples, peppers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cucumber, and some strawberries up. I put them all in a bowl, mixing them together thoroughly. I grabbed some ranch dressing and squeezed it in the bowl. I took it and walked into the living room, plopping down onto the couch.

I grabbed the remote, and turned the tv onto some mysterious Earth, ET shit. I was really into all the paranormal shit, and I enjoyed investigating it. Although, it can get you into trouble at times. I shoved a big chunk of salad into my mouth, deeply into the show.

About 10 minutes in I finished my salad, I got up and went to go to the kitchen. My mom was standing in the kitchen entry way, staring at me. I jumped slightly, startled at the sight of her.

"Oh hey mom." I walked to the entry way, thinking she'd move over so I can get in, but he just stood there. I looked at her feet and then up at her eyes. She usually had bright, beautiful blue eyes that would have seemed to pierce through you, but today they seemed glazed over.

"Are you sure I dont need to call Mr. Frank? You dont look so good." I backed away slightly.

"I'm fine, sorry I spaced out." She moved over so I could get into the kitchen.

I stared her down before walking past her, putting my bowl into the sink.

"Did you see that the police arent letting any information out on the killer?" I washed my hands quickly and flicked the water off them, turning to grab the towel. My mom had moved to right behind me, yet again, startling me.

"Oh f-" I stared at her and let out a small laugh, "stop doing that!"

She copied my laugh and moved to the edge of the counter. "No I didn't see the news. Maybe it's a good thing though, that they aren't letting things out." I patted my hands dry with the towel hanging on the stove.

"How? Shouldn't we know what to be cautious of?" I looked at her with a questioning look across my face.

"No, it's best to leave it alone." She had a tone of defensiveness in her voice. I ignored it.

"Okayyyy, well I'm going to go take a nap..I'll talk to you later." I slowly walked out of the kitchen, glancing back at her.

What the fuck is up with her? I walked to my room and shut the door, making sure to lock it. I heard her footsteps go down the hall slowly, stopping at my door. What the hell does she want? Shes never this clingy.

I grabbed my towel off my little desk chair and shoved it on the floor where the crack in my door showed into my room. My feet trudged to my bed and fell onto the sheets. Everything will be okay tomorrow. I shut my eyes and drifted off.

Sunday January 20, 2019

ZacharyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt