Chapter Two

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I stared at my ceiling, my heavy metal music blasting. I ran my skinny fingers through my now light blue hair. I absolutely loved my hair, I thought it was amazing and made my blue eyes pop more then they already did. I heard a knock at my door, I peered over at it and turned my music down.

"Come in!" My mom slowly pushed the door open and smiled at me, leaning against my door frame.

"Wow look at your hair. You're my handsome little man." She pushed some of her hair back behind her ear. "I'm gonna go run some errands. The pigeon box is on the counter with some snacks. Love you be good." I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks mom, love you too." I turned my music off completely and slipped out of bed. I trudged out of my room and walked to the kitchen. I looked at the stuff my mom got me and smiled.

She got me sour patch kids, two slushies, two chip bags: dorritos and the regular generic kind, skittles, popcorn, and ice cream. I quickly put the ice cream in the freezer, just as the doorbell rang.

I ran over to the door ans swung it open.

"Max! My friend! Come in!" He smiled politely at me and walked in. He kicked his black shoes off and threw his hands up over his head in a stretching position.

"My dad almost didnt let me leave but I snuck out before he could say shit." His arms swung down and he scratched his side. He looked at me then walked to the kitchen, "What'd mom get us to munch on?" I heard the shuffling of the chips and snacks, I walked in after him.  I stopped and leaned against the light orange wall of the kitchen.

"Look like some good stuff to you?" He licked his lips and nodded, scooping everything up. He half skipped to my room, with me not that far behind him.

I fell back on my bed, Max throwing the snacks on me, and crouched down to put the movie in. He jolted up after the disk was put in and fell on the bed next to me, the DVD remote in his hand. The menu screen came up and Max pressed play.

About 30 minutes into the movie, we had busted the candy and chips out. A makeout scene came on and Max laughed.

"I bet you've never had a makeout session in your life." I scoffed, pretending to be offended.

"I have to!" I havent.

"Yeah right tell me how it went then, and with who!?" He looked at me, smirking slightly, knowing hes right. I felt a blush creep across my nose and to my cheeks.

"Well uh-"

"Exactly, you've never made out in your life." He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "Your not missing out." I looked at him and tipped my head.

"What do you mean I'm not missing out?" He turned and looked at me for a second, then shot his gaze back at the ceiling.

"You're just not missing out."

We both say there in silence the rest of the movie. The uncomfortable feeling of awkwardness hovering in the air.

The movie finally ended, and I looked over at Max to comment on it. He was dead asleep though, I let out a small sigh and slipped out of my bed. My feet hit the cold wooden floor sending a shiver up my spine.

I made my way over to Max's side and pulled the blanket up over his chest. I stared at the freckles that danced across his nose and up around his eyes. Max was no doubt super attractive, as I've said, no matter how much he denied it. My feet shuffled to his bag, I bent down and pulled out his cigarettes. I hesitantly took one out and set the carton back where I found it. 'He wont mind if I smoke just one' I thought to myself.

I made my way to the garage and sat on the steps. I reached behind a little cabinet my mom had placed by the door. My hand searched around the back side of it, a strike of panic going through my body before I felt the lighter I had taped to the back. I slowly pulled the tape away and slipped my hand out, a pastel lighter with the word "breathe" on it in my hand.

I flicked the lighter on and put the cigarette in my mouth, putting the flame up to the butt. I took in a long puff, I let my hand fall to my knee, blowing the smoke out with a sigh. I looked at the end of the cigarette, tapping the part where my mouth goes, ash falling down to my feet. I smoked the rest of the cigarette and smooshed it into the ground.

I got up and flicked the butt of it into the trash bin by the garage door, and went inside. I walked into my room and turned the TV off. I crept into my bed, right next to Max. My eyes scanned his face, taking in every detail. He had a cute little scar across his eyebrow that he got when he dumbly smashed a bottle over his head at party. He was dared to do it for 10 dollars. I laughed to myself and shut my eyes.

How lucky am I to have a best friend like him?

Saturday January 19, 2019

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