3 ~ Dancing In His Jacket

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~ Hailey ~

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~ Hailey ~

I hear the door open again, about an hour later.

I smirk at Will coming through the front of the store, "You're right on time, I see."

He smiles, nodding at me, "Yes always punctual, brown eyes."

I look at him, rolling my eyes slightly, "I have a name and you know it."

He shrugs, grinning with one side of his face, making him look very flirtatious, "Well how could I call you Hailey when I've seen so much of your brown eyes for weeks?"

I stop for a moment, my face going red, "What?"

He smiles completely, "I've seen you watching me you know."

My cheeks are even more rosy with embarrassment. He sees and chuckles, "No need to blush. You haven't been the only one who's been staring."

My lips peel into a smile, "Yea right."

He beams, putting his hand out for me to take it. I do and his hand is warm and calloused. It's comforting.

He leads me outside, the truck parked in it's usual spot. The girl with the puffy coat is sitting on the tailgate, next to the tall boy. The other guy turns his head as we walk towards the vehicle, our hands still intertwined.

The girl with the puffy coat hops off of the edge of the truck bed, the dark haired boy has his arm around her shoulder.

"Will finally invited you, huh," she smirks and I watch his face go red from the corner of my eye.

"Shut up Cas," he mutters and I can feel his hand hidden in between us getting sweaty.

She laughs joyfully, "Hi, I'm Cassie."

I shake her hand which is out for me to grab, "Hailey."

Will looks embarrassed but he continues, "That's Gray and Drew," he points to the two guys.

I smile politely at them. Will unlocks our fingers from one another, moving his head towards the passenger side, "We should get goin before it's dark guys."

The boys nod and hop back into the truck bed, leaving me a spot to sit in. I move next to Drew, who has a little smirk on his face.

I glance over my shoulder, Will staring right back at me before he gets into the cab with Cassie.

I frown at him slightly, commenting on his expression, "Why are you smirking?"

He laughs, Gray chuckling too, "I can't believe he finally invited you."

"What'd you mean?" My eyebrows furrow again, Gray's face becoming even more comical.

"He's been peeking glances at that window for months now," Gray laughs as Drew nods.

I can feel the apparent blush spread across my cheeks, my nose probably red too.

The three of us start to talk about whatever comes to mind. I find it extremely easy to make conversation, the way they tell stories is hilarious.

"So Gray is hanging off of the roof, like dangling and I'm over here just trying to make it as quiet as possible when he falls. I'm like ready to catch him, arms out and everything-"

"Well you failed miserably. I fell in the bush and got jabbed. I still have scars man. What a good friend you are," Grayson rolls his eyes as Drew finishes the story.

"Don't cut me off," Drew puts his hand up like a drama queen, making me giggle, "So her dad comes out and he flips out and we barely got away in time. And he never snuck to her room again."

"Yea. Drew likes ruining my love life. Thank you for that, man."

I smile, the breeze blowing my hair up around me, the edges of my dress fluttering.

We go onto an empty highway, and I see Will's window open. He sees me looking at him and winks.

Will leans out the window, hoisting himself onto the window, only holding onto the edge of the door.

I smile, his eyes closed. I see the freedom on his face, his light hair blowing over his face.

Before I know it, Gray and Drew have my arms and stand making my stomach twist, realizing how fast the truck is actually going.

I look at Gray nervously, "We won't let you fall."

Drew nods, tightening his grip on my arm. The three of us stand in a line in the back of the pickup, the wind blowing strands of hair behind me.

After standing there for a while, the two boys slowly let go of my arms, letting me stand there by myself.

"Don't let go of me!" I shriek laughing along with them.

"You're doing fine! Just don't worry about falling and you won't," Gray chimes in.

I nod slowly, deciding to trust them. I reach my arms out, the air speeding past me making my long white dress flow like in a movie

After about two hours, I see the convenience store coming back into view.

Cassie soon slows the truck down, the cold air finally hitting me back into reality.

Will slides his legs over the window and hops out. He comes over to the bed of the truck and puts the tailgate down, offering his hand out to help me down.

I hop out, putting my arms around myself, shivering. Will noticed immediately, because I can't really shake subtly. He takes his leather jacket off, black flannel underneath it.

"Here," He puts the jacket on me, lifting my hair up so it doesn't get caught. I smile to myself, feeling his hand graze my neck, "Better?" He looks at me, his eyes intense.

"Yea," I nod, feeling yet another blush splatter onto my face.

He moves his palm down my arm, grabbing my hand.

Gray pulls a large speaker out of the back of the cab. He plugs his phone in and starts blaring loud music.

Cassie grabs Drew's hands and jumps back into the bed of the truck, dancing around like she's drunk. Who even knows.

Will is staring at me again, also pulling me up onto the truck. He spins me to the music, my laugh echoing out like a chime. I'm leaning on his chest now, his hands on my arms, waving them around like a crazy person. We're all laughing and I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been.

I grab hands with Gray too, making him and Will spin and look like a funny old couple. They mimic a slow dance and practically fall out of the truck. We dance for what feels like hours. Maybe it was. But it all goes downhill when I hear the all too familiar voice scolding me.

"Hailey. Get away from them right now," a stern voice makes me jump, absolutely terrifying me when I see who it is.

"Dad, I ca-"

"Get inside NOW," my father stands there, pointing to my house, which is an addition to the store, closed off to any customers.

I glance to Will, our hands still intertwined. He looks sad and a flicker of anger goes through his usually calm eyes.

He whispers something so quietly that it's practically inaudible, "Leave your window open."

𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜-𝙹𝚎𝚗𝚣𝚒𝚎Where stories live. Discover now