Lesson Seven - Salainen Aapinen - The Secret ABC-Book

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So guys, I found my first and second grades' Finnish books! I think I'm going to teach you with them - some things. It would be easier if I could draw here, but if not then not. I'll just improvise.

Credits to Hannele Huovi, Mervi Wäre, Markku Töllinen and Kristiina Louhi!

Today in schedule:






The wise cat.

Samu: Tulitko sinä autolla?

Sisu: Tulin.

Samu: Tulitko sinä junalla?

Sisu: Tulin.

Samu: Sinä olet viisas kissa.

Sisu: Minä olen viisas kissa.


What did Samu and Sisu talk about? Can you guess?



Samu: Did you come here by car?

Sisu: Yes, I did.

Samu: Did you come here by train?

Sisu: Yes, I did.

Samu: You are a wise cat.

Sisu: I am a wise cat.


Yes, Sisu is a cat. Samu is the owner of the cat, but there will be twice as weird characters in these books, so not to worry!

[say the bolded letters]

Samu: Say aa.

You: aa

Samu: Say a.

You: a

Samu: Say a-pi-na.

You: a-pi-na

[apina ~ monkey]

aa aa aa

aa a aa

a aa a


a a-vain [key]




aa-si [donkey]



a-pi-na [monkey]




aa-pi-nen [ABC- book]


Samu: Say ii.

You: ii

Samu: Say i.

You: i

Samu: Say i-mu-ri.

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