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Seam walked down the grassy path, several rolls of cloth under one arm. So deep in thought was he that he nearly ran into Rouxls Kaard, who was strutting swiftly in the other direction. "Gah! Watch it, fool!" He exclaimed. Then he paused. "Oh. Seam. Hello. How goes the shop?" Seam frowned. He didn't know if he could call them rivals in shopkeeping but there was definitely a competitive air to be noticed whenever they interacted. "Fine, Rouxls. Same as ever. What are you doing so far from the castle? It's not like you to... be a normal person." Rouxls seemed agitated momentarily but regained his poise. "Actually, I'm looking for someone. That old court jester, Jevil. The one you were supposed to lock away." Seam froze on the inside and he nearly dropped his items under his arm. But he drew in a shaky breath and said "yes, I remember. His name was Jevil." He said this with some bitterness, at the fact that Rouxls had seemingly forgotten the performer's name. "Mmm, yes. Gerald." Seam nearly laughed at this. "It's not Gerald," he mumbled. Rouxls waved his shiny blue gloved hands in the air. "Whatever the hell his name is, the little bitch escaped. And I need to find him." At these curses Seam tightened his fists and gritted his teeth. He wanted to claw the fake eyelashes off this pompous ass standing in front of him, but he quelled himself. "Yes, I understand. Anything else? I must be going." Rouxls sighed. "Just... tell me if you see him. That little sonofagun is harder to catch than a rabbick in the scarlet forest." And with this, Rouxls turned on one glittery heel and brushed past Seam. Seam waited until he was out of sight and let out out a long, quavering sigh. He felt with surprise that the corners of his eyes felt wet and he brushed his face with agitation. He continued a few more minutes down the path until he came to the familiar sight of his shop, and he walked inside. Seam dumped his things on the floor and without stopping swept into the back room. He surveyed the seemingly empty sitting area and called out "Jevil, I'm here. You can... come out." For a moment nothing happed and then Jevil burst from a closet, sending several rolls of cloth and himself sprawling onto the floor. "Ackpth! It smells like mothballs in there, in there!" He rose up tand brushed himself off. He looked up with a grin on his face, about to say something but paused. "Are you alright Seamy? You looks little worse for the wear, my friend." Seam shook his head as if trying to physically expel Jevils inquiry. "No, no, I'm all right. Only tired." Jevil studied his face for a moment and then broke away. "Well... I'm glad you're here, here!" He cackled. Seam smiled despite the worry that clouded his mind. "So am I," he whispered.

(Yes I know that's cheesy AF but I'm a sucker for this ship)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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