Welcome to Cancelation

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🎵It's gonna be a fantastic day!🎵

🎵Let's play!🎵

🎵Everybody shout hooray!🎵


🎵I'm using my Noggin today!🎵

"Stop the music!!!!!", a voice shouted.

Moose a Moose stopped singing. He looked over and noticed something off.

"Oh no. What now? Are you gonna change the name of the channel, AGAIN?!", the yellow moose asked, looking annoyed.

"No.", the voice said, revealing its self to be the head of Nickelodeon. "I don't want you singing that morning and night song anymore. It brings up Noggin and we're Nick Jr now! Besides, kids are getting too old for you. We gotta move on. No one wants a singing moose telling them what to do."

"What? But Zee and I have been on the air for so long! We took over for Feet Face!", Moose stated, Zee blinking in agreement.

The head of Nickelodeon smiled evilly.

"And you know what we did to Feet Face?", the head asked.

"Ummm, no?", Moose replied in confusion.

"Follow me, and I will show you where to go to find him.", the head stated.

Walking down a dark hallway, Moose and Zee huddled in fear. The area was spooky and loud bangs and screams could be heard.

"This is the hall of canceled mascots. Feet Face isn't the only one here, ya know. We have cereal mascots, product mascots, sports mascots. Oh my, you name it!", the head explained, keeping his evil grin wide.

A quick scream was heard, causing Moose to nearly have a heart attack.

"Wh-What was that?", the yellow moose asked in a shaky tone.

The head of Nickelodeon opened a door and inside was Stick Stickly, who was slowly being consumed by flames underneath him. The once giddy popsicle stick was now struggling from burns.

Zee was horrified, while Moose had little to now reaction. Being disappointed, the blue bird slapped Moose across the face.

"What? He was just a popsicle stick! Besides, his voice was so ugly and he sounded awful when he sang!", Moose explained.

Zee crossed her wings and tapped her foot. She knew that Moose had no idea of the annoying voice she had to listen to every day.

"These are one of the days I wish I could talk...", the blue bird thought to herself.


The hallway grew bigger, and the screams grew louder. Moose was completely white and all of Zee's feathers fell off from fear.

"Ah, here we go. Feet Face's room.", the head of Nickelodeon said with relief. "Feet Face has been a naughty boy and I felt he needed to be punished. He has been living in this room since 2003."

2003? That year felt familiar to Moose and Zee.

"B-but, Feet Face said he had to leave Noggin back in 2003. We promised we'd watch over the channel for him. Why would he end up staying here instead of just going on with a happy life?", Moose said, shaking.

Zee suddenly realized something. Feet Face was a canceled mascot. He left Noggin because he was replaced. This had the blue bird immediately start blinking, trying to get Zee's attention. The bird was too late, however.

How Moose and Zee Got FiredWhere stories live. Discover now